Dear John,

The foundation of our campaign is built on listening. It is vital that we hear from every District resident and fully understand their needs.

You can help us reach out and connect people by hosting an online event. Think of it as a Meet & Greet, but instead of in your living room, we convene virtually on Zoom.

Our campaign has all the resources to make the event a success. What we need you to do is bring people together by inviting friends, family and neighbors. We will work with you to create an event that fits your schedule. We will also assist you with invitations and other outreach materials.

If you are interested in hosting or co-hosting an event, just reply to this email. Our campaign will be in touch.

The event will not take much time, 20 or 30 minutes, but we will make sure that everyone has the opportunity to share their ideas and concerns, and have their questions answered.

The election for our next Attorney General must include a robust debate about the issues and challenges of utmost importance to you and your neighbors. By hosting an event, you help to shape that debate and empower your community.

Thank you for your support. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Warm regards,



Paid for by McDuffie 2022
Patrick Swygert, Jr., Treasurer.
1609 Buchanan Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
A copy of our report is filed with the DC Office of Campaign Finance.

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