Hi john,

We are just one week away from Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day deadline to fix the rules of democracy so that our elected officials can finally ‘Deliver For Voting Rights.

Rank-and-file worker leaders led the charge in 2020 knocking doors to deliver the presidency and key Democratic Senate seats in Arizona and Georgia. Our movement understands that protecting voting rights is a critical first step to passing any future legislation that will benefit working people in this country.

As our National AFL-CIO President, Liz Schuler said: “We must continue to fight - for voting rights and worker rights, equality and justice, for democracy in the workplace and at the ballot box. Our democracy is only safe as long as all of us are ready to defend it.”

That’s why this Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend, we are joining Martin Luther King III, Arndrea Waters King, and Yolanda Renee King in honoring their family’s legacy and that of civil rights leaders by advocating for legislative action on voting rights NOW.

Join us to make it clear to our elected leaders that there will be no celebration without legislation.

Here are the details:

What: The Arizona Deliver for Voting Rights Mobilization

Who: Martin Luther King III, Arndrea Waters King, Yolanda Renee King and local faith, community and elected leaders

When: January 15, 2022. 9 AM MST

Where: S 15th St. & E Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ. 

President Biden and Congress invested trillions in our bridges, roads and trains. Now it’s time they deliver for our democracy by passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

There is no more time to wait. Join us in Phoenix as we hold our leaders accountable.

Want to get more involved? Sign up to volunteer at the mobilization here. 


In solidarity,

Fred Yamashita
Executive Director, Arizona AFL-CIO

Susan Minato
Co-President, UNITE HERE Local 11