Dear John,
Freedom of Speech is Under Attack in America!
Political Correctness has found a way to creep in to every single aspect of our daily lives.
Americans are afraid to speak the truth about important issues out of fear of being called a bigot, racist, or even a “deplorable.”
The mere thought of conservative speakers hosting public events, has caused RIOTS and businesses to be BURNED to the ground by left-wing Antifa thugs.
Conservative organizations like ACT for America can’t even host public events without sweeping the building for bombs and bad actors — is this the type of country we want to live in?
This was NOT what the Founding Fathers intended. The Founders believed in absolute freedom, with freedom of speech being a central component of it.
Our nation has reached the turning point of our fight with political correctness — will freedom of speech prevail? Or will we permanently succumb to the all-powerful PC culture?
ACT for America made the decision to fight in defense of freedom of speech with everything we’ve got!
That’s why we made it one of our top issues in 2019 and look to make it an even more central part of our mission in 2020.
This is why I am asking you to stand with us as a patriot partner by making a $20 recurring monthly donation to ACT for America, as we lay out our strategy and execution plans for 2020.
It’s our job to preserve these essential freedoms our Founders believed in for future generations to come.
That’s why ACT for America is taking the issue head on with the following initiatives:
John, ACT for America will be on the front lines of this fight in defense of free speech until the very end. Our 1 million members and 80,000 dedicated activists are the loudest ones demanding action from congress, and driving change in their local communities.
However, as this fight against political correctness reaches its boiling point, we will need your support. Will you stand with ACT for America as a supporter of free speech, by becoming a $20 per month patriot partner, or making a $50 donation to ACT for America today?
It's moments like these that we need to stand up and fight, and as long as I have your support, I promise you that I will never back down.
Always Devoted,
