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AFL-CIO announces Voting Rights Week of Action
NPEU formally recognized by National Center for Transgender Equality
DCNA joins staffing crisis Day of Action
2022 MLK Conference set for this weekend
Today's Labor History
Today's Labor Quote
Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!!
TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
Wednesdays with Warner (NoVA Labor): Wed, January 12, 8:15am - 9:15am
Windmill Hills Park, 500 South Lee St., Alexandria VA
This is Week 44 of our friendly and respectful weekly gathering in the park to ask our Senator to sign on to the PRO Act! The PROAct would allow free lance/ gig workers who are independent contractors to join together to bargain over pay and benefits. The PRO Act would also abolish "right to work" laws and protect workers' right to organize. Hosted by Coalition to Repeal Right to Work.
DCNA joins staffing crisis Day of Action: Thu, January 13, 8:30am - 10:30am
Howard University Hospital, 2041 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20059 (map)
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, January 13, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.
Guests/topics include: AFL-CIO's Sideline the Filibuster/Voting Rights Week of Action; Nurses national day of action; Donald Cohen and The Privatization of Everything; SpudWrench with the Elevator Constructors Anthem.
[link removed] Affordable Housing/Tenant Rights Committee: Fri, January 14, 1pm - 2pm
Join us for updates on Northern Virginia tenants' union activity and to discuss labor's perspective and efforts on affordable housing.
Fairfax NAACP MLK Economic Empowerment Brunch: Sat, January 15, 10am - 1pm
American Legion Post 176, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA ([link removed] map)
Co-sponsors include NoVA Labor, IBEW Local 26, and UA Local 5. Individual tickets $60, Tables $290, contact mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]; [link removed]
[link removed] Immigrant Rights Committee: Sat, January 15, 3pm - 4pm
This committee organizes labor engagement in immigrant rights efforts. Immigrant rights are worker rights!
[link removed] 2022 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference: Jan 16 - 17, 2022
[link removed] 2022 MLK Gonna Take Us All Ball (Virtual Event): Sun, January 16, 8pm - 10pm
Hosted by the Labor Heritage Foundation.
Join NoVA Labor at Leesburg's 31st annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., March: Mon, January 17, 9:45am - 1:00pm
We will meet in front of the Leesburg Post Office across from the Leesburg Courthouse near the corner of King and Market Street at 9:45AM. Please look for our banner. Any questions contact mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
AFL-CIO announces Voting Rights Week of Action
The AFL-CIO yesterday announced its'[link removed] Sideline the Filibuster/Voting Rights Week of Action. Saying that "national standards that protect our rights, ensure that trusted local election officials count every vote, and prevent partisan politicians from sabotaging the results of our elections," the labor federation is demanding that Senators "exercise their majority and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to create national standards that protect our rights, ensure that trusted local election officials count every vote, and prevent partisan politicians from sabotaging the results of our elections." On the eve of the annual Martin Luther King holiday, Metro Washington Labor Council president Dyana Forester said that "Working people and all Americans deserve equal access to the right to vote. Whether it's signing a petition, posting on social media, recording a video or making a call, the power to act is in your hands."
NPEU formally recognized by National Center for Transgender Equality
The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU) and the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) yesterday [link removed] announced the union's official recognition, based on a mutually agreed card-check among NCTE staff. NCTE management "demonstrated respect for establishing this union and ensuring we have a work-life balance that will lead to successful opportunities in our advocacy," said members of NCTE United. NCTE executive director Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen called it "a historic moment," adding "we believe that supporting employees' right to form a union can only make us stronger as we continue to fight for justice for the transgender community."
DCNA joins staffing crisis Day of Action
DCNA members at Howard University Hospital will join registered nurse members of National Nurses United (NNU) in actions across the country on Thursday (see Calendar) to demand the hospital industry invest in safe staffing and to demand that nurses receive optimal protections at work. "Far too often I have received complaints from nurses who are assigned too many patients for them to provide the proper amount of time and care to all their patients," said RN Eileen Shaw, who chairs DCNA's HUH unit. "Nurses are also being pushed by supervisors to come to work even when they are sick," added Shaw. In a recent survey of thousands of nurses in the United States, four out of five said at least half of their shifts were unsafely staffed, creating an increased risk to patients for [link removed] preventable medical errors, [link removed] avoidable complications, [link removed] increased length of stay, [link removed] readmissions, and even [link removed] death. In addition to Thursday morning's action at Howard University Hospital, there will be a candlelight vigil for fallen nurses at the White House Thursday night.
2022 MLK Conference set for this weekend
Exploring the theme of Honoring Our Past and Protecting Our Future, the [link removed] 2022 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference is set for Sunday and Monday, Jan. 16 and 17. Speakers include Vice President Kamala Harris, Sen. Raphael Warnock,
Sen. Jon Ossoff, actors Michael B. Jordan, Blair Underwood, Ruth Negga, Mykelti Williamson, Colman Domingo and musicians Yolanda Adams, Tom Morello, PJ Morton and Brittney Spencer will perform. "History tells us where we've been. And it shows us the path for moving forward," say organizers. The online conference "will challenge us to look to the future. To ask and answer how we can build a multiracial, progressive labor movement reflective of America's changing workforce--as working people of color will be the majority in just a few years. As we connect to honor Dr. King's legacy, we will reinforce the bond between the civil rights movement and the labor movement."
Today's Labor Quote: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"Freedom is never given voluntarily by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Who was Zelda D'Aprano? Last week's show: [link removed] Labor's Untold Stories.
January 12
Novelist Jack London is born. His classic definition of a scab -- someone who would cross a picketline and take a striker's job: "After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a cork-screw soul, a water-logged brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles" - 1876
Seattle Mayor Ole Hanson orders police to raid an open-air mass meeting of shipyard workers in an attempt to prevent a general strike. Workers were brutally beaten. The strike began the following month, with 60,000 workers walking out in solidarity with some 25,000 metal tradesmen - 1919
Pres. Roosevelt creates the National War Labor Board to mediate labor disputes during World War II. Despite the fact that 12 million of the nation's workers were women -- to rise to 18 million by war's end -- the panel consisted entirely of men - 1942
January 13
The original Tompkins Square Riot (graphic below). As unemployed workers demonstrated in New York's Tompkins Square Park, a detachment of mounted police charged into the crowd, beating men, women and children with billy clubs. Declared Abram Duryee, the Commissioner of Police: "It was the most glorious sight I ever saw..." - 1874
Chicano citrus workers strike in Covina, CA - 1919
(Exact date uncertain) As the nation debates a constitutional amendment to rein in the widespread practice of brutally overworking children in factories and fields, U.S. District Judge G.W. McClintic expresses concern, instead, about child idleness - 1924
- David Prosten.
Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus [link removed] click here for more listings !
[link removed] Administrative Secretary, IAMAW, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 1/5/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Deputy Director of Communications - Communications Department, AFGE, based in Washington, DC / National Office (Posted: 1/4/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Graphic Designer / Production Designer, UFCW, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 1/5/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Fellow / Intern - International Affairs Department, AFT, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 1/7/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Field Representative, AFSCME (ACE-AFSCME Local 2250), based in Upper Marlboro, MD (Posted: 1/7/2022) Maryland
[link removed] Director of Representation, SEIU 500, based in Gaithersburg, MD (Posted: 1/7/2022) Maryland
[link removed] HR Project Coordinator - Human Resources, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 1/7/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Coordinator - Immigration, Diversity and Civil Rights Department, UNITE HERE (Posted: 1/10/2022) California, District of Columbia, New York (National search)
[link removed] Campaign Lead - Alphabet Workers Union, CWA, Location preference: Washington, DC, Northeast, Southern California, Bay Area, Pacific Northwest (Posted: 1/10/2022) District of Columbia (National search)
[link removed] Senior Campaign Lead - Organizing, CWA, Location preference: Washington, DC, Northeast, Southern California, Bay Area, Pacific Northwest (Posted: 1/5/2022) District of Columbia (National search)
[link removed] Campaign Lead, CWA, Location preference: Washington, DC, Northeast, Southern California, Bay Area, Pacific Northwest (Posted: 1/5/2022) District of Columbia (National search)
[link removed] Assistant Organizing Director, LIUNA-MAROC, based in the Washington DC/Northern Virginia area; DC, MD, VA (Posted: 1/11/2022) District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia
[link removed] Union Organizer-in-Training (OIT) - Higher Education Campaign, SEIU, based in Rockville, MD (Posted: 1/10/2022) Maryland
[link removed] Political & Legislative Director, Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO (1/11/2022). Candidates should submit cover letter and resume to mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
[link removed] Regional Field Director - Political, Electoral and Issues Mobilization Hub, AFL-CIO, East Region / Northeast District (CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PR, RI, VT & WV) (Posted: 1/7/2022)
[link removed] Legislative Representative, ARA, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 1/10/2022) Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
[link removed] Research Director - Campaigns Department, LCV, based in Washington, DC (this position is Flexible and may be worked within the United States) (Posted: 1/11/2022) District of Columbia
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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