Fellow Conservative,

There are times that call for some salty language. In a recent interview with The Daily Wire, I pointed out that we are $30 trillion in debt because the incompetent a**holes in DC keep spending money we don’t have.

Who can argue with that? What we're doing to this country and our children is gross and immoral.

Instead of making "deals" and "compromising" (read: GOP always caves), I said, "No. Shut your pie-hole and secure the border."

You could say I didn't want to leave any room for doubt where I stand....

After one year of Democrats controlling the White House and Congress, it’s obvious they are undermining America, endangering people’s lives by favoring the wealthy and the corporate class over the working class.

Unfortunately, some Republicans are also to blame. I’m tired of gutless and cowardly Republicans talking the talk about limited spending, but never walking the walk!

Will you join us in this fight? Chip in now to help us take on the Swamp and woke nonsense.

The GOP needs a clear, unified, CONSERVATIVE message. 

I propose focusing on these six priorities:
  • Border Security
  • Freedom in Healthcare
  • Decreasing the National Debt
  • Law and Order
  • A Strong but Limited Military
  • Fighting “Woke” Cultural Nonsense
This is a platform America will rally behind.

Donate now to help me keep fighting for America and against the radical left.

While Democrats and establishment Republicans whine and bellyache about BS pieces of legislation, I’m interested in actually fighting the fight that the American people want us to fight for them.

Will you stand with me? Chip in $10, $20 or $50 today!

Washington, DC is broken, but America is strong. Conservatives need to tap into that strength to push back against the extreme agendas and utter incompetence coming from Democrat control.

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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