This is nothing short of a declaration of war on decent, law abiding Americans. The Democrat insurrectionists are imposing by decree a form of permanent martial law, communist style. Stalin is laughing in his grave. 
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Biden’s DOJ Launching New ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Division
This is nothing short of a declaration of war on decent, law abiding Americans.

The Democrat insurrectionists are imposing by decree a form of permanent martial law, communist style.

Stalin is laughing in his grave.

Ayn Rand wrote, ...

Fraudulent Biden to Push for Major Senate Rule Change to Allow Democrats to Enact Their Agenda
The Democrats are working diligently to overhaul our elections and create one-party rule in America. “According to The New York Times, Biden will not call for total abolition of the filibuster, but wants to carve out an exception for Democratic ...

Biden’s Education Secretary Cardona Solicited NSBA Letter Comparing Protesting Parents to Domestic Terrorists: Email
The people have been overthrown. It's time to take action.


Education Secretary Cardona solicited NSBA letter comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists: email

NSBA official said controversial letter followed 'a ...

LA Times: It’s Necessary To Mock Unvaccinated Dead
LA Times: It's necessary to mock the deaths of the unvaccinated

By: Jazz Shaw, January 10, 2022:

In Orange County, California, Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby recently passed away due to complications from COVID. Ernby had been a vocal ...

Legal experts: Opponents of Israel To Push For ‘Apartheid’ Designation in 2022
As the United Nations elevates some of the worlds most horrific human rights violators, they attack the democratic Jewish state of Israel with unrelenting savagery. Gone are the days when the pro-Israel Trump Administration would defund, admonish, ...

Reps. Comer, Jordan Expose New Fauci Emails, Point to COVID-19 LAB LEAK ‘COVER-UP’
Why don't they DO something?

Reps. Comer, Jordan expose new Fauci emails they say point to COVID-19 lab leak 'cover up'

House Republicans questioning why Fauci, others moved away from lab leak theory in early 2020

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox ...

I’m Never Getting A Covid Vaccine, And I’m Not Alone
I am among the proudly unvaxxed.

As more vaccinated people become infected with the omicron variant, we’re going to have to learn to live with Covid — and with each other.

I’m Never Getting A Covid Vaccine, And I’m Not Alone

By: ...

Teen Gunned Down While Working Her Shift at NYC Burger King, Cops Say
NYC is crumbling into lawlessness, chaos and Covid-mania. And it will only get worse as the new Mayor is, if possible, worse than the old one. Deblasio 2.0. The authorities of New York City are lenient of criminals. This is the result. The people ...

Majority of Voters View Trump Favorably: Rasmussen
Expect heads to explode on the left – what's left of their pea brains anyway. I expect they'll try to arrest President Trump.

Majority of Voters View Trump Favorably: Rasmussen

By: Todd Starnes, January 10, 2022:

A majority of likely ...

CDC Starts Dropping Truth Bombs After Judge Told the FDA to Start Releasing the Pfizer Test Results
This is unreal ….

94% of covid deaths came from people with 2 to 3 comorbidities (CDC data a few months after plandemic start)

75% came from people with atleast 4 comorbidities

Since the plandemic 836k US deaths have been reported ...

FAUCI LIED: Military Documents Contradict Fauci’s Sworn Testimony on Gain of Function Research
Wow. Caught red handed.

Where are the bloody indictments? Look what this man did to this country.

Dr. Robert Malone: Project Veritas Documents Released

BREAKING: Project Veritas releases military documents that contradict Fauci's sworn ...

Watch: Sidney Poitier and the Jewish Waiter who Taught Him How to Read
There are thousands of stories just like this; Jewish people helping Black people. Most especially during the time of the Civil Rights Movement. It is terribly unfortunate that today much of America's Black leadership do not know or care about ...

Israeli Exports to Anti-Israel Ireland i\Increased by 517% in 2021
Ireland is perhaps the most anti-Israel nation in the European Union. Many of its politicians openly support the BDS (Boycott the Jews) Movement. Yet, despite Ireland's overt hostility towards the Jewish state, Israel's exports to Ireland increased ...
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