When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to a subversive actor, the people must coalesce and remove him from office.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to a subversive actor, the people must coalesce and remove him from office.

  • In 2006, Andy Harris commissioned middle-of-the-night robo-calls from the nonexistent "Gay and Lesbian Push," urging them to support his opponent, Pat Foerster.
  • In 2010, after running on idea of no governmental healthcare, he publicly complained that his *government* healthcare would not kick in right away.
  • In 2011, he led efforts to partially privatize Medicare
  • In 2013, he led efforts to shut down the government
  • In 2017, he voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act
  • Also in 2017, he pledged his support for autocrat Viktor Orban
  • In 2020, he denied the results of a legitimate election
  • In 2021, He publicly attacked the Maryland Chamber of Commerce
  • In 2021, he encouraged rioters to rise up against democracy
  • He tried to incite a brawl on the house floor stemming from this insurrection
  • He tried to bring a loaded gun onto the floor of the US House of Representatives
  • He is currently under investigation by the state medical board for prescribing horse medicine to humans.
  • He has voted against: unions, job creation, adding funding to social security, protecting elections, healthcare for those with pre-existing conditions, honoring police officers
  • He has voted for: overturning an election, tax cuts for the rich, building a wall on the southern border, shutting down the government
  • 80% of his campaign money comes from rich individuals and PACs
  • He uses his position of power to consistently interfere in the domestic policy of Washington DC

Andy Harris is the enemy of the worker, the senior, the voter, and the American, and he must be defeated. Will you donate to my campaign today to help me replace him in Washington this November?

My campaign is the alternative. I have spent a career repairing the damage of autocracy and rebuilding democracy from the ground up all over the world. Go to hardenforcongress.com to learn more about your next Congressman.




Dave Harden is a Democrat running for Maryland's 1st Congressional District. Dave's running to replace Andy Harris and will help the 1st District unlock its extraordinary potential. Support Dave with a donation today.

Paid for by Harden for Congress


Harden for Congress
P.O. Box 584
Hampstead, MD 21074
United States