Dear Friend, I’m writing you today from Atlanta with some VERY good news. Just minutes ago, President Biden finally – and in no uncertain terms – called on the Senate to make the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act our nation’s top priority, and to reform Senate rules if necessary to get the job done. It’s nice to see our hard work finally pay off. This bold stand by the President represents the most significant milestone on a journey we began last year with our coalition partners, including tens of thousands of phone calls, multiple civil disobedience actions in front of the White House and hundreds of people arrested. Over the course of months, our campaign has grown into a movement. (Check out our brief video recap here.) We moved the needle in Washington, and we moved the people — we built the greatest outpouring of support for voting rights in decades. We moved the President from opposing filibuster reform to understanding that without strong guarantees of everyone’s fundamental right to vote, we simply would not have a democracy any longer. Today, we saw what that movement meant. We saw it when President Biden, in unequivocal terms, demanded of the Senate: "Vote. Let the majority prevail. And if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this." This truly remains THE civil rights fight of our times. And we are more confident than ever that we are on the brink of victory. With that said, we still have to move this bill through the Senate and onto the President’s desk. Here are two quick actions for you to take ... and then please spread the word to all your friends via social media and email.
We are almost there, and from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for your support, your perseverance and your sacrifice. When we fight, we win. Sincerely, Ben Jealous, President