![]() John, Communist Democrats are “triggered!” I was instantly put in the Democrat's, RINOs', and Never Trumper's crosshairs with President Trump's endorsement. Now I'm in the fight of my life to be reelected and ensure President Trump's America First legacy lives on in 2022. But this is a battle that I'm well-suited for and one I REFUSE TO give up on. And right now, I need your help. CHIP IN $17.76 RIGHT NOW TO HELP MARY MILLER FIGHT BACK! You see, if real conservatives like me lose in this year's election, our nation is in REAL trouble.Under Biden, the federal government has been used as a weapon to enforce all his anti-American agenda. Like Biden's disastrous “Build Back Broke” plan that he refuses to give up on, despite its negative impact on MILLIONS. Or how Democrats continue to use the coronavirus pandemic to enforce their destructive agenda in America. Well, under President Trump, our nation prospered and healed from Obama's communist policies. All because he did one simple thing… he put America FIRST! And that's what I will continue to do despite Democrat's gerrymandering my district to derail my chances of winning. But I need folks like you to take a stand with Trump and me to keep the America First fight going. Can we count on you to help me in this year's crucial election by chipping in $10, $25, or more today? The Communist Democrats are livid -- especially since this announcement came while they wanted the nation to focus on their January 6th political witch-hunt. And because of that, you count on many more factions of the D.C. Swamp to join their efforts to take me out. Well, I'm not backing down. But victories like President Trump's massive upset over Hillary Clinton back in 2016 were entirely due to the steadfast dedication of our supporters -- like you! This allowed us to watch Trump do exactly what a president of the people SHOULD DO. Now it's our responsibility to defend his legacy and continue to fight to put America First. Trump stuck his neck out for us -- and I refuse to let his efforts die in vain. But I am going to face an uphill battle. And I'm counting on your support today. So please help me by giving a generous contribution today so I can continue to carry the torch to put America First. Right now, I'm getting slammed in the press over President Trump's decision to stand with me. But I need to stand strong without the slightest hesitation. The Mainstream Media and establishment Republicans are already rallying behind my primary opponent's side. And now the Democrats are spreading insane fears about me regarding my fights to restore your God-given rights. That's why I have to pay for all the expenses that go with any successful reelection campaign. Grassroots efforts are critical and costly. I must start building a cash reserve NOW for the biggest fight of our lives to restore TRUE American values. I pray you will see what's truly at stake and show your support by giving $100, $50, $25, $10, or at the very least a $5 gift today. With supporters like you, hard work, prayer, and faith in our country, conservatives will take back the House and Make America Great Again. CHIP IN $17.76 RIGHT NOW TO HELP MARY MILLER FIGHT BACK! Thank you, and God bless.Talk to you soon, Mary Miller Congresswoman (R-IL) ![]() |
Paid for by Marry Miller for Congress. |
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