
Jon has been working hard alongside his colleagues for the last month on voting rights legislation — legislation that will protect access to the ballot box, safeguard our free and fair elections, and ensure every eligible voter can make their voice heard.

Passing this legislation is absolutely critical in a moment where voting rights are under coordinated attack across the country. From Montana to Georgia, Republican-led states are passing laws aimed at making it harder for certain groups to vote — an effort inspired by the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen — and which ultimately culminated in the attack on our Capitol on January 6, 2021.

It’s why Jon is saying that enough is enough. If we don’t get serious about defending our democratic values, the attacks on our democracy will continue.

Team, will you add your name to Jon’s petition demanding that the Senate immediately act to pass voting rights legislation? The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy, and it’s imperative that Congress take action to protect it — there is no time to waste.


Thanks for standing with us and making your voice heard.

— Team Tester