This is our worst case scenario.
URGENT: Rush a donation of $10 or $15 to re-elect Susie Lee in Nevada’s 3rd District and hold our House Majority!
We’ve been sounding the alarm for months that Susie Lee is one of the most vulnerable Democrats running for re-election. Now, we have even more evidence that this campaign will be under intense pressure from the Republican Party.
Don’t forget, Democrats only need to give up 5 seats to lose control of the House!
This means that a Republican wave in Nevada could seal the deal for a new radical Republican House Majority.
Team, Susie needs your help. Will you chip in whatever you can to keep Battleground Nevada blue and re-elect Susie Lee to Congress?
We can defeat any chance of a Republican wave in Nevada if we work together.
Thanks for your support,
Team Susie Lee