![]() Patriot, As I predicted last week, Democrats are ratcheting up the pressure to destroy the Senate filibuster this week, and exploiting the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. to do it. President Joe Biden himself is appearing in MLK's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia today to demand the Senate eliminate, or at least neuter, the filibuster. Reuters reports that the prominent racism huckster, Rev. Al Sharpton, is joining Biden at the speech. Sharpton has warned the White House that "half-measures" on voting rights will not work, saying "This is a defining moment, not just for the president, but for the country and the future of democracy." Biden himself is making even more inflammatory remarks, calling those who don't support Democrats' legislation to override states' election integrity laws "domestic enemies": “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. And so the question is where will the institution of United States Senate stand?” Nothing could be further from the truth, of course. What this is all really about is that the filibuster, which essentially requires bills to have the support of at least 60 senators to pass, is the only thing preventing the most radical items on the Democrats’ tyrannical agenda from becoming law of the land: >> “The Great Reset”
legislation >> “Domestic terrorism” legislation to escalate their war on the American public >> A national gun tax and confiscation scheme >> The “Green New Deal” >> A “national voting rights” act to gut election integrity laws in all 50 states Sign the petition to save the Senate filibuster -- and if you've already signed, forward this to your freedom-loving friends and family to do the same! Using the memory of a great civil rights leader as a weapon – a bludgeon to beat their colleagues over the head – truly is disgraceful. So is the Democrats' hypocrisy on the issue, because whenever they are in the minority, they get every bit as hysterical in support of the filibuster as today they are in opposition. "You’re going to throw the entire Congress into chaos and nothing will get done!" then-Senator Joe Biden howled. "It’ll be a doomsday for democracy," Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) growled. "I will not stand by when a party drunk with power tries to overturn 200 years of precedent!" Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) fumed. They made countless statements like these. In fact, the RNC made an impressive compilation. (Not that we endorse the RNC in general, but they made a great point here.) So were they lying then, or lying now? Whatever position they stand to politically benefit from in the moment, that's their position. It is a disgrace that the mass media refuses to point out the rank hypocrisy. Congress was not designed by our founders to be a simple rubber stamp for the controlling party’s most radical agenda. By completely stripping away the filibuster, which is already weakened, we’re likely to see wild and dangerous swings from our lawmakers and many unintended consequences that I suspect the Democrats will regret just a few years from now. Patriot, we need to save our Republic from turning into a complete tyranny of the majority party. Sign the petition to save the Senate filibuster! We need you to sign this petition especially if your senators are Democrats. They need to know the American people are not fooled by their rhetorical gibberish and see this for the naked power grab that it is. We need you to sign this petition even if your senators are Republicans. They, too, need to know the American people are watching and will not stand by this power grab – because should they retake the majority, they will one day face the same temptation. Then, please consider pitching in $25, $50, or more so Campaign for Liberty can rally our powerful list of liberty activists to stop this power grab by the Democrats! The Senate filibuster has been an indispensable tool in stopping some of the worst big government power grabs over the years, including Cap and Tax, which would have driven energy costs through the roof, a National Gun Registration, and the so-called “Disclose” Act, which would have destroyed free speech for organizations like ours. If the Democrats’ plan succeeds, there is nothing stopping them from passing any of their most radical legislation –and they will pass all of it. >> The Green New Deal >> Gun Control >> More Taxes, Higher Taxes, and New Taxes >> Attacks on our freedom of speech They simply can’t help themselves when presented a flurry of leftist expansions to big government that will create a lot of hardship … for everyone else! Sign the petition to save the Senate filibuster! ![]() I shudder to think about what else the left may cook up this year to ram through with nothing standing in their way. That’s why you and I must get this message out to as many folks as possible before this latest attack on the filibuster is successful. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The Republic truly is at stake if the Senate filibuster is done away with. The statists’ agenda will go through without anyone to stop it. Sign your petition now to save the filibuster. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2022 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of
individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy,
and grassroots mobilization. |