Seven-year-old James Younger, the Texas boy thrown into the center of adult controversy when his mother began "transitioning" him into a girl, has reportedly chosen to begin attending school dressed as a boy.As ridiculous as it
Seven-year-old James Younger, the Texas boy thrown into the center of adult controversy when his mother began "transitioning" him into a girl, has reportedly chosen to begin attending school dressed as a boy.As ridiculous as it...
Alas, the War on Words continues.According to Campus Reform, a professor at the University of Florida has banned his students from using the terms “illegal alien” or “illegals” to describe…well, illegal aliens, saying such phrases...
Whether anyone knows the whistleblower’s identity or not, at least one attorney for the person that Democrats’ are using to pursue their impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump previously had no problem announcing where he...
Thirty Democratic PA House members voted against a measure last week to recognize November 7, 2019 as “Victims of Communism Memorial Day.”Nov. 7 marks 102 years since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia resulted in the...
Supporters of the right to self-defense consistently show themselves to be incredibly resourceful and very bright in the face of continuous attacks by politicians on virtually every level. The latest example of their smarts comes...
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