Take a look back and then continue to look forward.
I'm referring to TFN's 2021 annual report — Envision a New Texas — which is now online.
TFN's annual report reflects what was a truly challenging year. Our state took a frightening and radical rightward turn that has seen top elected officials use the rights and lives of Texans as political currency in selfish service of their own ambitions, all while getting in the way of the response to COVID-19 and neglecting to fix our electrical grid.
But our annual report also reflects a resilient response to the challenges of 2021, and the hope and promise of a progressive movement that won't give up and that I know we can count on in 2022 and beyond.
Please take a moment to review our annual report and join us in tackling whatever comes at us in the coming year.
Thank you for everything you do. Cheers to 2022!
In the fight,

Val Benavidez
TFN President