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Poynter has always taught journalists from around the world, often online and sometimes at our main campus in Florida. This last year was different.
The need for fact-checking and media literacy education brought Poynter to more countries than ever before and energized our global alliances. Here are just two examples:
* In partnership with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Poynter's International Fact-Checking Network provided fact-checking training and mentorship to newsrooms in more than 20 countries ([link removed]) in 2021, including Tunisia, Chile, Sri Lanka, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Fiji, Pakistan and Myanmar.
* With support from Meta, Poynter's MediaWise program is helping older adults in Brazil, Spain and Turkey ([link removed]) make informed decisions about the content they engage with and share across social media platforms through customized WhatsApp courses.
Whether you're in Tunisia, Turkey or Tonga, we're proud to work with you to make this world a more fact-fueled place. Check out more training and support opportunities below.
— Andrew DeLong, director of teaching operations
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Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media
In-person program, St. Petersburg, Florida, Oct. 9-14
The Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media is a transformative, tuition-free leadership program that trains journalists of color working in digital media to thrive, professionally and personally. In partnership with The Washington Post, the Poynter Institute is looking for the next 30 journalists of color to participate in its sixth academy.
"Every single person I interacted with through the academy, from the instructors to my fellow cohort members, challenged me to change my perception of what I considered limitations," said Charlene Carter, committees editor at CQ Roll Call and 2020 alum. "Armed with new ways to silence my inner critic, I'm now more comfortable exploring new opportunities in the field that I love."
The program structure and curriculum provide participants the connections, confidence and skills to confront their challenges. Sessions are designed fresh each year to respond to industry trends, participant needs and evolving management challenges. Underscoring everything is Poynter’s expertise in leadership training and The Post’s expertise in digital innovation.
Cost: Free. Apply by Saturday, Jan. 15.
Note: The program is limited to people working for U.S.-based media organizations — though they might be living in other countries.
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Poynter Producer Project
Online and in-person program, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 8-31
Making stories work involves more than just teases and live shots. This online and in-person hybrid seminar will help you expand your expertise as a TV producer with new writing, storytelling, coaching and ethical decision-making skills.
Poynter senior faculty Al Tompkins and a five-star lineup of visiting professionals will guide you on your journey. Special sessions in 2022 include ways to lead even when you do not have formal authority, how to better navigate news coverage involving race and bias and strategies for managing newsroom trauma and stress.
Cost: $499. Apply by Tuesday, Jan. 25.
If you are a member of AAJA, NABJ, NAHJ, NAJA or NLGJA, 50% tuition scholarships are available, thanks to CNN.
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Essential Skills for Rising Newsroom Leaders
In-person program, Washington, D.C., March 21-25
Maybe you’re an inexperienced manager just starting your new role. Or maybe you’ve got managerial experience but have had little training. In either case, you could use some tools — along with a big dose of confidence.
This popular in-person workshop will help you build a strong foundation as a leader so your staff can engage and excel.
Gather with a small cohort of other new managers at Poynter’s new location at Arizona State University’s Washington, D.C., campus for five days of learning and growth. You'll return home with improved self-awareness and management tools that will begin paying dividends immediately.
Cost: $1,500. Apply by Friday, Jan. 28.
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Lead With Influence
Online program, March 7-28
Demonstrating leadership without formal authority is its own skill, and it’s core to this new online leadership workshop from Poynter.
Pulling from the best practices, feedback and application needs of Poynter’s flagship Leadership Academy for Women in Media ([link removed]) , this four-session workshop is especially designed to help women and nonbinary journalists in the industry use their social capital to lead with influence.
If you have the official title of project manager or product manager, or are in the position of being responsible for outcomes without formally supervising anyone — this includes those all-important bridge roles in audience, innovation and strategy — this program is for you.
Cost: $450. Apply by Friday, Feb. 11.
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TV Power Reporting Academy
Online and in-person program, St. Petersburg, Florida, April 5-28
This cornerstone Poynter seminar is perfect for reporters, photojournalists and VJ/MMJ/backpack journalists. Thousands of local, network and international journalists point to this practical seminar as the launchpad that ignited their careers.
Cost: $499. Apply by Feb. 18 ([link removed]) . If you are a member of AAJA, NABJ, NAHJ, NAJA or NLGJA, 50% tuition scholarships are available, thanks to CNN.
Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellowship 2022-23
Online and in-person program, St. Petersburg, Florida, and Washington, D.C., June 15, 2022– May 5, 2023
The Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellowship is a year-long dynamic experiential fellowship that blends educational opportunities with work experience to accelerate your career in journalism. Apply by Feb. 25 ([link removed]) .
Content Audits and Centering Audience
Self-directed online course, start anytime
Learn about content audits, making inclusivity part of story workflow and growing subscribers in underserved communities from four Chicago-area newsrooms. Cost: Free, thanks to the McCormick Foundation. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
How Any Journalist Can Earn Trust (International Edition)
Self-directed online course, start anytime
Learn what news audiences in various parts of the world don’t understand about how journalism works. You’ll also look for opportunities to demonstrate credibility by explaining news processes, coverage goals and journalism ethics in accordance with the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) Code of Principles. Cost: Free. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
Newsroom Readiness Certificate
Self-directed online course, start anytime
This self-paced course includes five lessons about newsgathering, interviewing, media law, media ethics and diversity — basics all journalists should master. Cost: [DEL: $49.99. :DEL] On Sale! $29.95.Enroll now ([link removed]) .
Language, Math and News Literacy Certificate
Self-directed online course, start anytime
This new certificate is exactly what it promises: a rigorous assessment-based course that focuses on three areas key to a career in today’s communications job market: language, mathematics and news literacy.
Cost: [DEL: $89.95. :DEL] On Sale! Cost: $64.95. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
Understanding Title IX
Self-directed online course, start anytime
This course is designed to help journalists understand the applications of Title IX, how to navigate it, and what kinds of reporting can be done around both individual Title IX cases and entire higher education institutions. Cost: Free. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
How to Spot Misinformation Online
Self-directed online course, start anytime
This free, self-guided training from MediaWise is designed to teach simple digital literacy skills to help news consumers outsmart algorithms, detect falsehoods and make decisions based on factual information. Cost: Free. Enroll now ([link removed]) .
• The spring semester is upon us. Here are resources to get your academic year started off right ([link removed]) . By Barbara Allen.
• 6 freelancing tips from those who made the leap ([link removed]) . By Jacqueline Marino.
• Trust in media is low worldwide. Are media outlets reaching out to the wrong people ([link removed]) ? By Rick Edmonds.
• Poynter announces the 2022 Media Transformation Challenge Program Fellows ([link removed]) . By Mel Grau.
• Omicron may produce fewer serious illnesses, but this wave is far from ‘mild’ ([link removed]) . By Al Tompkins.
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Looking for a new job? Poynter is hiring. And, if you're a student or early-career journalist, check out our internship database ([link removed]) for paid opportunities. You can also search our job board ([link removed]) for hundreds of opportunities.
• Immigration Reporter, PolitiFact ([link removed]) —The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida
• Receptionist/Event Liaison ([link removed]) — The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida
• Interactive Learning Producer ([link removed]) — The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida
• Newsroom Partnerships Manager ([link removed]) — The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida
SEARCH HUNDREDS OF JOBS ([link removed])
Andrew DeLong
Andrew DeLong is the director of teaching operations at Poynter. He shares tips, training and resources to transform your journalism.
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