11th January 2022
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Our first PLC Network Webinar of 2022 is taking place TONIGHT from 7.30PM to 8.30PM. 

The webinar will be discussing Unplanned Pregnancy - Lifting the lid on the lack of positive supports for women. The webinar will also feature personal stories and in-depth discussion on the Government's MyOptions Freephone Line!

The support pregnant women are really offered will be discussed by revealing recent research conducted by Students for Life Ireland on the government's MyOptions unplanned pregnancy freephone number.

The government's MyOptions unplanned pregnancy helpline is supposed to "provide(s) information and support on all your options if you have an unplanned pregnancy, including information on continued pregnancy supports and abortion services."
  • But is that what they really do?
  • Do they help women who want to continue a pregnancy?
  • What really happens when they are contacted?
  • Do they offer women a full range of options or is the focus all on abortion?
Participation is free but pre-registration is essential. 
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