From Jason Kishineff for Congress <>
Subject Why are you taking this?
Date January 11, 2022 2:26 AM
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I am amazed that every other industrialized country on Earth helped it's citizens stay afloat by covering paychecks, but not ours, and that so many people think that that is right. People were already living month-to-month and the government took away their incomes and left them to fend for themselves with rent, heating, gas and healthcare, giving us only $3800 over a period of 18 months, as compared to Canadian workers who received about $36,000 over the same period to help pay the bills.

Our government left us high and dry. And tens of millions of Americans actually think $3800 was too much, that that would somehow hurt the economy, when in fact, Americans having much less to spend because they had their incomes taken away is what really hurt the economy. Almost all of us are poorer. Our government has abandoned us, pretending that the economy is somehow better than ever, and using numbers from when we were locked down to gaslight us. Americans having more money to spend into the economy IS WHAT MAKES OUR ECONOMY RUN.

Renters are still in crisis and facing eviction due to a lockdown that was not their fault, rental assistance programs are back logged, here in Vallejo our struggling city government is paying for hotel rooms to protect people from exposure. And who is profiting from this? Vulture capitalists like Blackrock, Wilbur Ross and Steve Mnuchin, each of which owns tens of thousands of homes. This should not be acceptable. So why are you accepting it?

Elect someone who wants to represent YOU instead of Blackrock and real estate investors.
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If you live in one of the below cities, you can help me get on the ballot by printing out the petition on one double-sided paper and signing it, and then mailing it to me (regular mail). If you wanted to help beyond your own signature, you can take the petition out to a farmer's market or a Walmart & collect more signatures. When you're ready to mail it to me, send me an email at and I'll give you my address. Or you can help with your donations, which will pay for gas to get around.

District 4: All of Napa & Lake Counties, Santa Rosa, Sonoma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Vacaville, Dixon, Rio Vista, Davis, Woodland and Winters.

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Eurasia is having an energy crisis, partially due to the closure of nuclear reactors in Belgium and Germany. This could be off-set by the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, but anti-Russia factions in Europe are trying to block its usage. The result has been energy prices that are 6 times higher than they were just a few months ago.

This led to thousands of looters in Kazakhstan, which President Tokayev declared a national emergency, and appealed to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for help restoring order. CSTO forces, led by Russia have arrived and peace has been restored.

It didn't take long for US war hawks to use Kazakhstan, rich in minerals and coal, and strategically placed between Russia and China, as a propaganda tool, making claims that Putin is trying to recreate the USSR, that he's invading or tightening his grip on the area.

The hard facts are that Kazakhstan is a close ally, and trading partner, of both Russia and China, and a NATO presence would have never been accepted. And while war hawks try to scare Americans with statements about Putin wanting to recreate the USSR, polls and surveys show that almost 70% of the people in former Soviet countries want to go back to the USSR because the breakup of the union has seen their countries deteriorate. The USSR provided healthcare and housing for people. Many countries have seen vast areas that were once thriving turn to blight. Politics and economic policy aside- they just want a better life, the same as most of us.

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