2022 will either be the year the world’s longest living democracy continues on or dies at the hands of The 147. We’re betting on the latter, and we know you are with us, friend.

With stakes so high, we are formally launching our campaign to defend the House in 2022. And the best way you can help us in that mission, friend, is joining our fight against The Dirty Dozen.


What do The Dirty Dozen have in common? Everyone one of them either led the charge or voted against attempts by Congress to seek justice for the January 6th Insurrection. They also all represent districts that we have a strong chance at flipping in 2022.

Defending our democracy depends on defeating The Dirty Dozen. Between now and November, we will be profiling each individual member of The Dirty Dozen, telling voters exactly how they betrayed American democracy, and working hard to make sure they don’t get the chance to do it again.

Friend, pledge below to help us unseat The Dirty Dozen and ensure WE HOLD THE HOUSE in 2022.


-Operation 147



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