Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson lied when he told voters he would only serve two terms in the U.S. Senate. Yesterday, he announced he's running for a third term.

Not that Ron Johnson lying is such a surprise -- The New York Times calls Johnson "the Senate's leading purveyor of misinformation about elections and the coronavirus pandemic." He lies a lot.

Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes can DEFEAT Ron Johnson. Elizabeth Warren writes, "A new poll showed my friend Mandela Barnes tied 43-43 with Ron Johnson. We can win this." She calls the Wisconsin race "one of our best chances to expand our Senate majority."

Donate here to Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. This is our also one of our best chances to expand our Senate majority so Joe Manchin can no longer block Democratic bills.

Ron Johnson is the worst U.S. Senator in the country. He doesn't belong in the Senate at all -- and certainly should not get a third term to spread his dangerous lies.

Here's more about Ron Johnson from the New York Times this weekend:

"This year, Mr. Johnson has been at the forefront of the two strongest strains of misinformation coursing through the Republican Party -- false claims about election administration and public health.

"In the days after the 2020 election, he challenged Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory. During a Senate hearing in February, he read into the record a report that falsely suggested the Trump-inspired Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol had been instigated by 'fake Trump supporters.' In November, he began urging Wisconsin’s Republican state legislators to seize control of federal elections in the state, arguing that they could do so without the governor’s approval, despite decades-old rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Supreme Court that say otherwise.

"Aside from Mr. Trump, there is perhaps no major Republican official who has made more false claims about the coronavirus and its vaccines than Mr. Johnson. He has said he will not get vaccinated, and has promoted discredited Covid-19 treatments and declined to encourage others to seek out the vaccines. In December, he falsely claimed that gargling with mouthwash could help stop transmission of the virus, an assertion that drew a rebuke from the manufacturer of Listerine.

"While Mr. Johnson’s false claims have picked up pace recently, they go back years. During his 2010 campaign, he said that climate change was caused by 'sun spots' and that excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 'helps the trees grow.'"

Cook Political Report rates this race a toss up. CNN reports that Ron Johnson's evolution into a conspiracy promoter has driven Republican voters and even some Republican Party leaders to turn against him.

Mandela Barnes is a long-time progressive movement ally and is the Democrat who can DEFEAT Ron Johnson and expand our Senate majority.

Donate here to Mandela Barnes' campaign to DEFEAT Republican Ron Johnson for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin.

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-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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