"Denser housing development near transit-rich areas is essential to meet our climate emission reduction goals, and so it is imperative we act on this legislation now. I pledge to reintroduce SB50 in my first term in office. We can expand upon its initial framework as well - allowing more building height in exchange for more low and middle-income housing."
- Bilal Mahmood in his candidate questionnare
"My priority in housing is long-term increases in the housing stock, including subsidized and social housing, and immediate housing solutions for our renters, homeowners, and those who are homeless right now. California has the unique opportunity to lead the nation in adopting a housing model that invests in communities, supports affordable living costs, and promotes the maintenance of properties."
- Matt Haney in his candidate questionnaire
"I have supported bills that prioritize affordable housing, but I have not and will not support bills that put the profits of developers above the needs of our communities."
- David Campos in his candidate questionnaire
"I think the state HAS to play a role [in streamlining permitting]. But it's important to recognize that there are issues at play here beyond streamlining permitting that are keeping buildings from getting built.
- Thea Selby in her candidate questionnaire