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Climate Justice

This month’s Climate Justice newsletter explores how we design and build with climate justice at the forefront: from revamping infrastructure and land use policy to overhauling media ecosystems, from transforming housing to forging egalitarian futures for our movements. In an interview from our Fall 2021 magazine—featured for the first time as a set of audio recordings—Cyndi Suarez and Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor discuss how climate justice narratives help us structure intersectional responses to climate change. Newly published online, an article by Dr. Taylor from the pages of our Fall magazine revisits the troubling history of environmentalism and envisions a better path forward. Next, we explore how affordable housing developers and community organizations are shaping their efforts in response to climate disasters. Finally, we explore why land use policy must be revamped to respond to climate crisis without foregoing racial equity and economic justice.

“Designing for Climate Justice: A Conversation with Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor

In this conversation, Cyndi Suarez and Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor discuss why the distinction between climate change and climate justice narratives is critical—and how to address the climate crisis on a global scale. Listen, watch and read more…
Webinar: Crypto trends in 2022
Can’t-miss training and new tool that will help you easily accept and unlock new crypto donations this year. Tuesday, January 11th. Free & worth 1.0 CFRE credit.
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Toppling the Monument to Silence: Racism and the Founding Fathers of Environmental Organizations

Environmentalism is rooted in the white supremacy of early movement leaders, though most organizations prefer to ignore inconvenient aspects of this history. But the summer of 2020 changed how some major nonprofits deal with racism, past and present. Read more…
The Rise of Online Raffles and Lotteries for Fundraising
500+ US and Canadian non-profit organizations have collectively raised over $898 Million with Ascend Fundraising’s online 50/50 and lottery based fundraising programs. Learn how you can crush your fundraising goals and increase donor engagement with this free guide.
Get the Guide

The New Normal: Building Affordable Housing with Natural Disasters in Mind

The climate crisis has changed the nature of nonprofit housing work. Indeed, the entire field needs to be rethought and connected to sustainability planning. Read more…
Boost Your Nonprofit Management Skills — Free!
Whether you’re a team leader, new to the nonprofit sector, or a board member, Nonprofit Management Essentials provides free, on-demand programs to fit your schedule. 
Start your free training today!

Beyond Housing: Why Equity Demands a Complete Overhaul of Land Use Policy

Land use policy, planning, and practice must be fundamentally changed to achieve climate and economic justice in Black and Brown communities. Read more...
The LiveTiles Global Employee Experience Pulse Check 2021
Learn about our key findings from 7100 employee interviews across the world. Find out how it brings advantage to organizations while connecting the gap between varying employee dynamics and generations.
Download the survey report here.
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