Climate change action: 6 trends to watch in 2022

From making green shifts fairer for workers to slashing fossil fuel subsidies, action on climate change needs to ramp up in 2022, analysts say

As pandemic bites, U.S. cities use data to fight race and income gaps

By mining their data, city authorities across the United States have found new tools to fight racial and economic inequality during COVID-19

Brazil extends coal use to 2040 under new 'just transition' law

Move to reverse plans to phase out coal in Santa Catarina state will hurt consumers and the climate, with renewable power cheaper, analysts and industry groups say

Auction of Muslim women on Indian app shows tech weaponised for abuse

Women increasingly targeted online by new technologies that make it easy to track and abuse anonymously

Abkhazia's illegal bitcoin miners face new threat from thieves

Abkhazia's ban on cryptocurrency mining to stem a power crisis has prompted a wave of thefts from gangs stealing precious mining equipment

What's next for bitcoin and crypto? The trends to watch in 2022

As countries mull whether to ban, regulate or embrace digital coins and climate activists mount an increasingly vocal opposition to the energy-intensive sector, we asked crypto experts their predictions for 2022

Britain extends pardons to all men convicted under scrapped gay sex laws

Gay and bisexual men convicted for consensual same-sex activity in Britain will be able to apply to have their convictions expunged


OPINION: How advancements in technology have made disaster recovery faster

What can two Haitian earthquakes a decade apart tell us about tech and disaster recovery?

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