Dear friends: 2022 has finally arrived! It’s a new year, but the mission is the same: to end the death penalty nationwide. This year is beginning with a concerted focus on Utah and Ohio, where common sense leaders in both states know it’s time to end the death penalty. In Utah, State Representative Lowry Snow and State Senator Daniel McCay, both Republicans, have introduced death penalty repeal legislation for this year. In the Buckeye state, Ohio Republican State Representative Jean Schmidt is leading the charge to bring conservatives on board with ending the death penalty. It is my belief that these two states will not just see success in their respective locations, but they will also give us momentum all across the country. If you have friends or family in either Ohio or Utah, please forward this email to them so they can sign up to get important local action opportunities. This work is a journey that we can’t go alone. It is with the help and support from friends like you that we can make our vision become a reality. There are many exciting things coming down the pipeline for 2022. We are running this race with poise and conviction, and I’m thankful to have you on this team. Onward, Demetrius