From True Texas Project <[email protected]>
Subject TTP (Urgent): Need your help calling for a special session
Date November 7, 2019 6:30 PM
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Friends and fellow patriots,
Let me bring you up to date on a pressing matter for Texas.

Having achieved zero of the five GOP priorities during session, we are being generous to call it a
purple session and not outright blue. However, the Big 3 (Gov, Lt Gov and Speaker) are claiming victory in spite of the 0 for 5 record. It has deflated the grassroots and is ushering in a huge potential loss for the 2020 elections for Republicans.

As a result, I joined a handful of key Texas grassroots leaders and helped to develop the
Lone Star Agenda. It was our plan for what needed to happen in Texas to re-energize the base. That plan was presented to other grassroots leaders, and we received unprecedented statewide unity in endorsing it. Nearly 300 leaders signed on from all across Texas. It was then presented to the Big 3 for action.

Needless to say, the Big 3 have ignored it.

Last week we held a press conference asking for a Special Session to address at least some of the 11 items in the Lone Star Agenda. For example, election reform MUST be addressed before the elections, right? Common sense! And yet literally NOTHING is being done about it.

Our own President Fran Rhodes spoke on behalf of True Texas Project at the press conference, and she was joined by Texas Right To Life, Empower Texans, Direct Action Texas, Texas Eagle Forum, and Grassroots America. Quite an impressive line up!

And still we are ignored.

We have put out a call for individuals around the state to contact their representatives and ask for the Special Session. In response, we are hearing a whole lot of pathetic excuses
(aka lies). Here are some of the worst...

* Lt. Governor Dan Patrick continues to say, “I travel the state and not one person has complained to me about the session. I have heard nothing but praise.”

Consider us doubled down on one response in this June 19 article titled,
“You Guys Stopped Listening.” ([link removed])

• Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s staff tells citizens calling to ask him to join us in support of a special session: “We got the statewide leaders’ letter about the Lone Star Agenda and a special session back in September, but we didn’t know who to contact about it.” Say what? The Lt. Gov. and his senior staffers have had our personal phone numbers, email and snail mail addresses for years.

• If we have a special session, we’ll have Democrat Joe Moody in charge of the session. Say what? The only way a Democrat gets to be speaker of the Texas House while Republicans have the majority is if spineless Republicans allow it! The only reason Democrat Joe Moody is still the Speaker pro tem is because Dennis Bonnen wants him to be. Under the House Rules, Joe Moody could be replaced by Bonnen within the next hour and replaced by a Republican. It's disgraceful that spineless, cowardly Republicans are suggesting otherwise. They need to grow up, tell the truth, and join the grassroots in demanding a special session where a new Speaker can be elected and conservative priorities get accomplished. Note: The House Republican Caucus could have taken a step forward during their mid-October retreat, but instead, they did nothing to get rid of Bonnen. It took an uprising of the grassroots and a “for corruption/against corruption” list of GOP House members to get them to jump off Bonnen’s
sinking ship. Dennis Bonnen MUST be replaced as Speaker now. The longer Bonnen remains Speaker, the more he gives credence to the Democrat narrative that Republicans are the party of corruption.

• If we have a special session, the Democrats might bring up guns. We’d be playing into their hands. Say what? Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is the only person in Texas who can call a special session of the legislature and put on that call the subjects he deems critical for legislative action. If Abbott puts anything about gun rights on a special session call, we are far better off having that fight right here and now when Republicans need our support going into 2020. Do you trust our gun rights will be safe AFTER 2020 when we are now only eight seats away from losing the Texas House and one seat away from losing the Texas Senate? Given what they’ve already said about our gun rights, are you really sure our Governor and Lt. Governor would not compromise on our gun rights if they preside over a Democrat majority legislature in 2021?

• The Lone Star Agenda is too long. We could never get that much done in a special session. You guys are asking too much. Well, if both the House and Senate worked ALL day Monday through Saturday AND Sunday afternoons AND took up the bills already filed on the Lone Star Agenda items – which Republicans either ignored or purposefully killed during the regular session, you would be putting the interest of saving Texas from the rabid Left ahead of your own comfort. You might be surprised how much you could get done. If you still think it’s just too much for you guys to get done, why don’t you “man up” (yes, I said that), endorse the Lone Star Agenda, pick your top four or five of eleven items, and publicly join us in calling on Gov. Abbott to call a special session? Staying silent will put you legislators on the “Oppose the Lone Star Agenda/SaveTexas2020” list.

We are begging you... please make your calls! Our legislators MUST hear from us... all of us! Loud and clear!

1) Call Governor Abbott’s Office to say you want a special session NOW devoted to the Lone Star Agenda to unite and excite Republicans for Election 2020. Tell Abbott that Dennis Bonnen must be replaced NOW, and he should use his influence to make that happen.
Call: 512-463-2000 or 512-463-1782 after hours.
Tweet: Gov. Abbott @GregAbbott_TX and @GovAbbott.
Message on Facebook: @TexansForAbbott

2) If you have a Republican State Rep. and State Senator OR if you campaigned for & donated to Republican State Reps and Senators – call them NOW. Tell them a) we need a Special Session and we need it NOW; b) ask them to publicly endorse The Lone Star Agenda and support a special session; c) tell them the deadline for them to go on record is Monday, November 11 because…

On Tuesday, November 12, we will publish a list of Republican State Reps and State Senators who support the Lone Star Agenda/SaveTexas2020. All others will be listed as Opposed to the Lone Star Agenda/SaveTexas2020. Have them send their public statement of support to [email protected] (mailto:?subject=Public%20Support%20of%20Lone%20Star%20Agenda) to get on the RIGHT list!

Phone numbers for your State Reps & State Senators ([link removed])

Social Media Accounts for your State Reps & State Senators ([link removed])

3) Call Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to let him know you want a special session NOW devoted to the Lone Star Agenda to unite and excite Republicans for Election 2020. Tell him that Dennis Bonnen must be replaced NOW. Tell him that you want him to use his influence as Lt. Governor to make both a Special Session and a replacement for Speaker Bonnen happen. Since Lt. Dan, the Governor and Bonnen are so tight, that should not be a problem.
Call Lt. Governor’s Office: 512-463-0001 and (512) 463-5342.
Tweet: @DanPatrick
Message on Facebook: @dan.patrick.texas
Need a copy of the Lone Star Agenda for your State Rep or State Senator who act as if they don’t know what this is all about? Click here for the one-pager. ([link removed]) You can also send them to this link to get more details. ([link removed])

Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

PS. The nearly 300 leaders who signed on to the Lone Star Agenda cannot make this happen. It requires YOU to make those calls and report back!
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*Nov 11 ([link removed]) - Wallace Henley
*Nov 21 - Joint Happy Hour w/ True TX & Empower Texans
*Dec 9 ([link removed]) - TTP Christmas party!

*Jan 13 - Obey The Governing Authorities?
*Jan 28 ([link removed]) - dinner at Kincaids in Southlake
*Feb 10 ([link removed]) - Confederate History
*Feb 25 - dinner at TBD
*Mar 9 - Massey Campos returns!
*Mar 24 ([link removed]) - dinner at Cane's in Euless
*Apr 13 - TBD
*Apr 28 - dinner at TBD
*May 11 - TBD
*May 26 - dinner at TBD
*Jun 8 - TBD
*Jun 23- dinner at TBD
*Jul 13 - TBD
*Jul 28- dinner at TBD
*Aug 10 - Keeping Their Faith (kids in public schools)
*Aug 25- dinner at TBD
*Sep 14 - TBD
*Sep 22 - dinner at TBD
*Oct 12 - TBD
*Oct 27 - dinner at TBD
*Nov 9 - TBD
*Dec 14 - Christmas Party

We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 6000 Hawk Ave, NRH.
5:30 - prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - meeting begins
8:00 - meeting ends

We also have group dinners at various restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday of most months. Watch the calendar!
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