Friend –

$52 TRILLION DOLLARS! That's the price tag for Elizabeth Warren's new government takeover of America's healthcare system.

And now she's pledging that to pay for her plan, taxes will only be raised on billionaires. The plan is so radical, even other Democrats called out her plan for using "mathematical gymnastics."

When other Democrats say you're too socialist, you listen! If Elizabeth Warren and any of her Democratic allies are elected, the middle class will be on the hook for $52 trillion dollars!

Every hardworking middle-class worker needs your support today! Stop the $52 trillion tax bill on the middle-class by making a quick donation of $15, $20, $50 or even more.

I was there when Obama lied to America and pledged every American would be able to keep their doctor. If elected Elizabeth Warren and every one of her allies will do the same thing.

We need strong conservative Republicans in Congress who will take a stand and call out the Democrats for their lies and deceptions. Stand with me and put a stop to Elizabeth Warren's socialist takeover of America!

Thank you,
Calvert for Congress
Congressman Ken Calvert
Deputy Chair, NRCC

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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