![[Image: From
the Desk of Ron Paul]](http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/cimages/9712f553eeb54df4c700abc96d8f0cb4/deskofron.png) Patriot,
I just wanted to make sure you saw my column for this week, "Taking Back Our Liberty in 2022," which is
included below. Since its publication last Monday, the great Dr. Malone mentioned in my article was
banned from Twitter for speaking the truth, while just yesterday, three U.S. Supreme Court justices spread wild falsehoods about Covid-19 from the
bench. As I concluded in the column below, we must continue to tell the truth.
(And if you can, please make a contribution to Campaign For
Liberty so we can continue speaking the truth and fighting for it!) For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman Taking Back Our Liberty in 2022
For those of us who value liberty, these past two years have been a bad dream. It seems like we fell
asleep in early 2020 and woke up in 1984! They said that if we just put on a mask and stayed home for two weeks, we’d be able to return to
normal. The two weeks came and went and instead of going back to normal they added more restrictions. These past two years have been a story of moving
goalposts and “experts” like Anthony Fauci constantly contradicting themselves.
Early on, in April 2020, I warned in an article titled “Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and 'Digital Certificates,'” that
the ultimate goal of the “two weeks” crowd was to force vaccines and a “vaccine passport” on Americans.
My concerns were at the time written off as just another conspiracy theory. But less than a year later that
“conspiracy theory” became conspiracy fact. I am not happy about being right on this. The introduction of vaccine passports was from the
beginning my worst nightmare. The idea that you must “show your papers” to participate in society is a concept that is totally opposed to
a free society. It is inhuman. The history of these past two years is that the worst ideas have
been adopted by force and anyone questioning those ideas has been suppressed by force. We learned recently that Dr. Fauci and the director of the
National Institutes of Health conspired to deliver a “quick and devastating take-down” of the esteemed scientists behind the Great
Barrington Declaration. Were the Great Barrington scientists horribly wrong? Fauci and his boss could not have cared less. They were not interested in
a debate. Their only goal was to shut down any opposing views. That’s not science. It’s ideology, politics, and probably self-interest.
As my son Rand said on a recent Liberty Report, thousands of people died because Fauci refused
to consider the proven effectiveness of natural immunity against Covid. He and his colleagues were determined to deny any outpatient treatments and
insisted on vaccines as the only way out. Now, as we see the vaccines performing so poorly versus natural immunity, their whole strategy lies in
tatters. Will anyone apologize to the relatives of all those who died? When we look back at these
two years, hopefully one thing that will be remembered is how the institutions of state power have all lost their credibility. They have been exposed
as frauds and worse. In a recent massively popular Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone
– inventor of the mRNA technology that is the backbone of the “vaccines” - Malone discusses the disturbing concept of mass formation
psychosis, where fear and manipulation are used to drive a society mad in the service of a group of elites with an agenda. We saw it in Germany in the
1930s. As Charles Mackay wrote in the 19th century about the madness of crowds, humans go insane
in groups but recover one at a time. What is to be done to defeat tyranny in 2022? We must
continue to tell the truth. The truth is winning and the liars are losing. One by one their lies are being exposed. But it is not an easy task. Each
of us in 2022 can do a little something to promote truth. Do what you can. The rewards are great! ------ P.S. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you
and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make
2022 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation
now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.