Independent Women’s Forum is pleased to announce that filmmaker Amanda Milius is the latest in our popular series of Champion Women profiles.

No Hollywood insider would dare to make a movie like Milius’ The Plot Against the President, about the left’s massive attempt to portray President Trump as a Russian operative, but Milius dared and the result was a huge success, both financially and artistically.

“If Hollywood is going to make an ideological business decision to not produce content that the majority of America wants to see, I don’t have any problem with that,” director Milius told The Hollywood Reporter, “because they’re leaving a giant pile of money on the table, and my company has no problem taking that.”

Think of The Plot Against the President as All the President's Men for conservatives. Like All the President’s Men, The Plot Against the President has heroes: but these are heroes who were willing to buck the liberal establishment.

Milius has deep roots in Hollywood and in bucking the liberal establishment. Her father is John Milius, a Hollywood conservative whose artistic credits include Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn, Conan the Barbarian, several Dirty Harry movies, and HBO’s Rome series.

Milius was in an influential position at the State Department when she was reading Lee Smith’s book of the same title as her movie. She faced the difficult question of whether to keep her job or take a risk and make the movie. Her Hollywood genes got the best of her.

Flush with success from The Plot, she is off on her next adventure: a movie about John McAfee.

We know you will enjoy meeting this exciting, young, and conservative filmmaker and finding out what she thinks about the current scene.

Charlotte Hays
Cultural Director
Independent Women's Forum