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Weekend Edition, January 8-9, 2022


Sacrificing Children to Covid Vaxxines

Vasko Kohlmayer

The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

When That Ol’ Mojo Stops Workin’

James Howard Kunstler

Australia Shows the World the Wrong Way To Keep the Virus Under Control

Steve Kirsch

The Lessons of I-95

Eric Peters

Living Free in a Gulag

Bionic Mosquito

A New Level of Covid Fakery; I’m Doubling Down

Jon Rappoport

Learned Stupidity

Theodore Dalrymple

Sorry, But Online Teaching Is of Limited Value in Many Subjects

Ira H. Schoen

What the Climate Scare And Pandemic Fearmongering Have in Common

Issues & Insights

Treating Disease With Health Not Vaxxines

Dr. Mark Sircus

More Children Die From the Covid Shot Than From Covid

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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