I wouldn't be emailing this late if it wasn't important.
California Democrats just announced a plan to advance a constitutional amendment to enact a government-run, single-payer healthcare system - and pay for it with the largest tax increase on California's working families and business in the state's history.
The proposed amendment would increase income taxes on Californians making more than $149,509 a year, and add new income and payroll taxes for California businesses, including a 1.25% payroll tax on employers of 50 or more people and an additional payroll tax on wages for California workers earning over $49,900. It would also impose a new excise tax on businesses of 2.3% of annual gross receipts over $2 million.
If that sounds overwhelming, it will be; crippling businesses and disincentivizing investment in California's economy.
But we need your opinion! Please answer our one-click poll on our website to vote in favor or opposition to this medicare-for-all plan. You can also use the new "Take Action" feature on our website to find your state representatives and email them directly to make your voice heard.
It's time someone gave Californians the tools to speak up for their constitutional rights. Access those tools - and more - by clicking the buttons below.