January 2022
Heartfelt Thanks
De Corazón, Muchas Gracias 

No One Says It Better Than Young People

Thank you to our everyone who invested in Identity youth and families during our Annual Appeal 2021. Together we will keep young people engaged in school, older youth engaged in work skills development and their parents equipped to help them during and beyond the pandemic.

Warm Welcome 

We are so moved by Friends of Identity who are donating warm clothes and home supplies this season to Newcomers reuniting with family in Montgomery County. The youth and families feel the extra warm welcome and extra help adjusting. Pictured left: Donations gathered by members of St. John's Norwood Episcopal Church.

It Isn't Just a Gift Card

Thank you to Health Management Associates (HMA), for spreading care and hope to newcomers facing their first winter here. Employees donated 42 gift cards to buy warm coats and other winter necessities for newly arrived youth and families.  HMA is a national healthcare consulting firm with offices in the metropolitan area. And thank you to Megamart for donating multiple grocery gift cards during the holidays to our resilient yet fragile community pushed to the brink during the pandemic. 

Diego Honored

Identity's Co-Founder and Executive Director was awarded the Roscoe R. Nix Distinguished Community Leadership Award on December 21, 2021.  The award is the County's equivalent of the Presidential Medal of Freedom honoring individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the quality of our community.
Happy, Healthy New Year from all of us at Identity!
You can also support Identity when shopping on Amazon by designating Identity as your charity of choice through Amazon Smile.
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