
Today, the Supreme Court held a special hearing on President Biden's federal vaccine mandates.

Myself and 25 fellow Republican Attorneys General from across the nation have taken the fight against Biden's mandates all the way to the highest court in America in a few short months – because nothing is more important than protecting our constitutional rights from federal overreach.

I am hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court, with three new, strong conservative justices appointed by President Trump, will dismantle Biden's overreach and strike down federal vaccine mandates for good.

The 2022 midterms are now less than 11 months away, and we cannot afford to lose our liberty to power-hungry Democratic Attorneys General.

Can you contribute $10, $25, or $50 today to show your support for Republican Attorneys General on the frontlines for freedom?


Republicans also have a great opportunity to defeat Democratic Attorneys General in states like Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin and Colorado.

A contribution of any amount will help us defend the God-given liberties of more Americans and defend the Rule of Law from liberal attacks.

Thank You,

Daniel Cameron
Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron
Kentucky Attorney General

Paid For By Republican Attorneys General Association

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