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Bring your gently used coats and jackets to the CHBA BC office, 400- 6400 Roberts Street Burnaby from 8:30-4:30 until December 12th. For a list of drop-off locations, visit
CHBA National
Want to know what home buyers are looking for in a new home? What features they will trade-off to get what they want? CHBA’s annual nationwide market research study — powered by Avid Ratings Canada — is the only source for this vital market insight.
Be sure your company is part of the 2020 Survey! Participation is free, limited to CHBA members and very easy.
Georgie's Corner
The 2020 Georgie Awards judging is underway. Stay tuned in over the next couple of weeks when we reveal who the 2020 Georgie Awards finalists are.
Ticket sales will go on sale after that. Don’t delay purchasing your tickets, this event sells out every year! |
The 2020 Builders' Super Week will be held on February 10-12 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. Make sure to save the date!
Interested in becoming an exhibitor in February at Builders’ Super Week? Contact Laura Chok at [email protected].
Building and Safety Standards Branch
These changes will be effective December 12, 2019, and apply to building permits applied for on or after this date.
The online BC Building Code 2018 will be updated to reflect the Revision 2 changes. Customers with binder copies of the BC Building Code will be able to print the updated code sections online at shortly.
The Building and Safety Standards Branch will publish technical bulletins about the code changes on the website in the coming weeks. In the meantime, a description of the amendments and the rationale for the changes is available on the public review web page.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8