
Democrats had huge wins at the ballot box this week - but, more specifically, the legislative wins in Virginia and statewide wins in Kentucky offer us hope here in North Carolina.

If we flip four seats and take back the Lt. Governor’s office, we will have a majority in the State Senate.

This means that we can undo the harm caused by a decade of gerrymandering and enact progressive policies rooted in a lived understanding of the challenges most North Carolinians face.

A big part of what happens in the general election depends on what happens in the primary. It’s critical that we, as Democrats, create a balanced ticket of the best candidates that reflects people of all backgrounds. Everybody deserves to be at the table. 

In just 98 days, the people of North Carolina will begin voting for Lt. Governor. Yes, it’s THAT soon. 

The clock is ticking, and if we are going to have the resources to effectively communicate our inclusive message, we need you now. We can’t do this without you. 

Time is running out. Can we count on you to donate $100, $50, or even $10 today?

We need more leaders who understand the fine line that most North Carolinians walk — one bad day away from not being able to get by.

Chaz is running for Lt. Governor because he knows what it’s like to live the life most North Carolinians are now living. He knows we won’t have a state where every single person can live up to their fullest potential until we have leaders who have walked in their shoes.

We can’t do this alone.  Rush in your contribution today.


Thank you,

Team Chaz




Chaz Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 39137
Charlotte NC 28278