Yesterday, we marked one year since a mob stormed the United States Capitol and came within a hundred feet of destroying our democracy. This mob was fueled in part by the lie pushed by some of Jon's colleagues that the 2020 election was stolen.

Sadly, that lie lives on today. And it’s turned into a massive, coordinated effort in Republican-led states like Montana to pass laws aimed to make it harder for certain groups of people to vote. If you are a college student or call Indian Country home, they’ve put up new roadblocks for you — all under the guise of “election integrity.”

It’s why Jon and a group of his colleagues introduced the Freedom to Vote Act in the Senate last year, and why we need to act to protect every eligible American’s right to vote.

Jon has said before: if we don’t get serious about defending our democratic values, the attacks on our democracy will continue.

The Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are critical pieces of legislation that would protect access to the ballot box, safeguard our free and fair elections, and ensure every eligible voter can make their voice heard. If you agree that we need to act on voting rights immediately, please add your name to Jon’s petition:


Enough is enough. The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy, and it’s critical that we protect it.

Thanks for standing with us, and standing up for our democracy.

— Team Tester