When the history of our time is captured on the page, among the more disturbing and self-destructive behaviors for readers to mull will be the hubris
Deconstructing the Immigration Dynamic
When the history of our time is captured on the page, among the more disturbing and self-destructive behaviors for readers to mull will be the hubris, the utterly reckless and shameless manner, with which today’s elected class brazenly betrays the core interests and expressed wishes of the electorate that first placed them into office.
Which is why we continue to call them to account in the pages of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.
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While the spirit of this betrayal may reveal itself in the open-borders policies of the current administration (by which we are obliged to accept all comers to our shores save those anti-Socialist, would-be émigrés from Communist Cuba), the sacral violation goes well beyond this single policy to the larger conduct of the Biden regime and its malicious minions in media and Congress, bidding us to revisit seminal and lingering questions about the unresolved integrity of the 2020 election. Hmmm!
Nevertheless…Regarding the erasure of an effective southern border, it’s not simply that the Biden proclivity for American abasement has helped flood the nation with literally millions of non-citizens whose core interests, beliefs, and values may be entirely out of alignment with those of the citizenry, but that their admission (and subsequent, secret, middle-of-the-night dispersions across the lower “forty-eight”) will serve to accelerate the ongoing transfer of wealth from an over-burdened American middle class to a growing hoard of illegal aliens…or “undocumented workers,” as the talking heads prefer.
** Whichever the case, the bulk of the migrant multitude are uniquely qualified to become low-skilled beneficiaries of American largesse through our social welfare safety nets.
When you dig down, you realize it is not simply the case that the open-border policy reveals an underlying, visceral, nearly Oedipal hatred for the American nation that has nurtured and sustained their elite class, allowed them to prosper. Indeed, theirs is a passionate rejection of the collective successes and traditions of a permissive culture with which so many of these detractors have thrived and made purchase.
** The result: the fury of their revulsion for the homestead evinces the sort of self-loathing typical of limousine liberals.
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One observation that bears further consideration comes from out of the realization that the open-borders policy appeals to a confluence of disparate interest groups whose objectives do not derive from — and pay no heed to — actual national interests.
To this end, the broad sweep of the program seems more directed toward asserting the ascendance of global interests, those of the spiritual denizens of Davos, over the accrued and compounding interests of card-carrying citizens. As well, while the program may appeal aplenty to the bleeding hearts, the open-borders policy curries particular favor with Chamber of Commerce conspirators who seek lower-priced candidate pools from which to recruit their labor. Strange and interesting bedfellows!
And speaking of bedfellows…Perhaps most importantly to the elite class enablers, a clearly intended impact of the invasion is to force a shift in state-by-state balances in voting in so-called “Red States” from support of conservative policies and prescriptions to an uncritical embrace of progressives’ preferred socialist-leaning flag-bearers.
Of course, the intention to flood voter registrations this way has all the subtlety of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez having a “tax the rich” message emblazoned across the derriere of her self-consciously socialist couture. With the more fashion-minded left, it seems that ineffectual statements of values (like bumper stickers) are more important than substance.
And to be honest they really don’t care what we — who they expect to become the new lumpen-proletariat — think.
** Which is why we refuse to be silenced!
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