Dear John:


Fringe-left liberals including Nancy Pelosi, AOC and “the Squad” are calling for yet another round of impeachment hearings and even took a vote.


It’s time for Texans to stand up to the socialists and liberal swamp in Washington DC and say, enough is enough with this impeachment hoax and three year witch hunt to reverse the results of the 2016 election. 


I stand with President Trump, together we can make sure our economy keeps growing, unemployment stays at generational lows and that we finally secure our borders. 


But as a business outsider, the DC lobbyists, PAC’s and special interests supporting my 30 year career politician opponent, I can’t do it alone! Would you chip in $50, $100, $250, $500 or even $1000 today to help me reach my goal and secure conservative representation for Texans and The United States of America?


Thank you,


Chris Putnam

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