Hi Friend,
Over the holiday break, the University of Pennsylvania women’s swim team was training in Stuart, FL for the remainder of the season. Only this time, they were joined by security guards because of the controversy surrounding transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.
Thomas, formerly known as Will, has broken several NCAA women’s records over the past three seasons. The image below shows the contrast of Thomas to other UPenn swimmers. Thomas is not only physically taller, but has an increased wingspan and more lung capacity due to biological gender.
This is an unfair advantage.
Thomas will be competing against female swimmers from Yale and Dartmouth in the final home swim meet of the season tomorrow and is expected to dominate the pool.
Save Women’s Sports
The worst part is that the NCAA “firmly and unequivocally” endorses transgender, male-bodied athletes, like Thomas, competing on women’s collegiate sports teams — no matter the consequences for biological women.
Women have fought long and hard for equal athletic opportunities, and allowing males to compete against females will limit women’s chances of success, take spots (and potential scholarships) away from women, and place women at risk of injury.
As a former collegiate athlete, I am urging you to pay attention to this story and others across the country. If allowed to continue, this will mark the end of women’s sports as we know it.
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There are more stories out there. We need you to share yours about being, parenting, coaching, or watching a female athlete. 
Adriana McLamb