As an activist, I’ve battled Mitch McConnell for years.

Now I’m running for Congress in his backyard – in a newly open seat.

Chip in to my campaign here.

Turn on images to see Attica Scott.

BELOW: Protesting Mitch McConnell with PCCC members in 2016!

Turn on images to see Attica Scott protesting.

I’ve battled Mitch McConnell for years here in Kentucky.

With a newly open congressional seat, I’m running to fight him in DC. I’m endorsed by the PCCC and I need your help to win.

Did you know that Kentucky has never sent a Democratic woman to Congress? Or a person of color. But we’re going to change that – and add a bold progressive voice!

Folks in this district, this state, and all across the country are crying out for justice.

In Congress, I will fight for health justice such as Medicare for All, environmental justice such as a Green New Deal, employment justice such as a $15 minimum wage and universal childcare, racial justice such as the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, and voting justice including ending partisan gerrymandering and passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

As a long-time PCCC member and partner in activism, I was proud to be one of the PCCC’s first Progressive Champions in my successful 2018 legislative campaign.

I’ve led protests with the PCCC outside Mitch McConnell’s office. Can you chip in $3 today so I can continue fighting Mitch McConnell right from the halls of Congress? Chip in here.

One of my earliest memories is walking to the school bus in the morning, and passing my great uncle's car that was covered in soot from the emissions of the chemical plants nearby. More than a dozen chemical companies surround the area where I grew up -- a place called “Rubbertown” here in Louisville.

For too long, elected officials ignored our concerns about toxic emissions. My uncle, a veteran and union member, developed multiple forms of cancers before he died. We are painfully aware that cancer does not discriminate -- it just kills.

Having Mitch McConnell -- one of the most powerful men in Washington -- as a Senator hasn’t helped the folks in my community. It hasn’t stopped the outrageous conditions in parts of Kentucky that, even in the 21st century, struggle to access clean water for drinking and bathing. That’s why I’ve been outspoken about climate injustice and introduced a resolution for the Green New Deal in our Republican-controlled state legislature.

Across the country, we need leaders in Congress who are rooted in community. I am that leader in Kentucky’s 3rd Congressional District. As an activist, organizer, and Kentucky’s first Black woman state representative in 20 years, I have proven time and time again that I will prioritize the needs of The People -- not my own political gain.

PCCC members across the nation have donated to my campaign. Can you? It makes a huge difference.

In community,

-- Attica Scott (@AtticaforKY)






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