Dear friend,
Will you please take one minute to call your representative in support of the REAL Act?
Call 1-844-899-8819
College education for incarcerated students makes our prisons and communities safer, and would likely reduce spending on prisons. That's why FAMM believes that we need to end the current ban on Pell Grants for incarcerated students.
Thankfully, there is a bipartisan bill in Congress — the REAL Act (H.R. 2168/S. 1074) — that would restore Pell Grant eligibility to incarcerated students in state and federal facilities, allowing motivated people to seek self-improvement through a college education.
Members of Congress have started to prioritize this issue and are working on restoration through a few avenues. The College Affordability Act (H.R. 4674) is being considered in the House of Representatives, and it includes a provision to restore Pell Grant eligibility. Last week, the House considered amendments for the bill, and a bipartisan group chose to preserve Pell Grant restoration without changes.
Help us keep momentum to end the ban on Pell Grants! Call 1-844-899-8819 to be directed to your member of Congress, and urge them to support and cosponsor the REAL Act (H.R. 2168/S. 1074) and restore funding for incarcerated college students.
Call 1-844-899-8819

Molly Gill Vice President of Policy, FAMM