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Our Unprecedented Financial Position
Chairman Kyle Hupfer recently spoke with All INdiana Politics about the automatic taxpayer refund coming to Hoosiers. 
With the legislative session having officially kicked off this past Tuesday, there's plenty making the news. But one thing I find myself paying attention to the most is all the talk about the unprecedented financial position the state is in thanks to the fiscally conservative leadership of Governor Holcomb and our Republican-led General Assembly. 

As you know, Governor Holcomb announced last month that 4.3 million taxpayers would be receiving a $125 refund after they file their 2021 taxes, putting more than $545 million back in the pockets of hardworking Hoosiers. And just this past Tuesday, he announced that he would be seeking to change legislation to ensure 900,000 more Hoosiers would receive that same refund.

With a fiscal environment like this, it’s no wonder people are moving to Indiana in droves. In its most recent study, UHaul found that Indiana ranked sixth nationally for inbound migration, up from 12th last year. It’s clear that Indiana is becoming the place to live, work, and stay.

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Chairman Kyle Hupfer
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was
Announcing the 2022 Next Level Agenda
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch (L) and Governor Eric Holcomb (R) discuss the 2022 Next Level Agenda.
Gov. Holcomb elaborates on his 2022 Next Level Agenda.
Governor Holcomb was joined by Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch for the announcement of his 2022 Next Level Agenda this past Monday.

"We’ve got a lot of momentum, we want to make sure we’re doing everything we can to keep that momentum going forward," Gov. Holcomb stated.

The 2022 Next Level Indiana Agenda includes the following five pillars:

  1. Economic development
  2. Education, training, and workforce development
  3. Public health and wellness development
  4. Community development
  5. Good government service
"The 2022 Next Level Agenda builds a foundation for a healthier state. These priorities will cultivate a more competitive environment to attract new economic development opportunities, establish better access to public health resources and help connect Hoosiers to better employment and training opportunities. Our efforts will advance Indiana’s reputation as a state Hoosiers want to live, work, play, study and stay.”
                                                                                     - Gov. Eric Holcomb
Joining Public Servants' Prayer for Annual Statehouse Prayer
Governor Holcomb offers a prayer Tuesday morning.
Governor Holcomb joined Public Servants' Prayer for the 18th Annual Statehouse Prayer Service this past Tuesday for the opening day of the 2022 legislative session.
ICYMI: Hupfer Statement on 2022 Next Level Agenda

Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer offered this statement following Governor Eric Holcomb's announcement of his 2022 Next Level Agenda.

Remembering Carl Brizzi
"Carl Brizzi had an unrivaled passion for justice, public safety, and the City of Indianapolis. His sudden passing is a tremendous loss to all that knew him. His legacy will be long-living through the numerous young lawyers that he mentored, trained, and gave opportunities to. I offer my condolences to his wife Kim, their children, and all of those who called Carl a friend." 
- Chairman Kyle Hupfer 
2022 Session Begins

This past Tuesday, state legislators returned to the statehouse for the start of the 2022 legislative session. This is a "short," non-budget session that will last approximately 10 weeks. 

If you need to contact your legislators to let them know what issues are important to you this session, click the button below.

Find Your Legislators
Next Week: 2022 State of the State
On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, Governor Holcomb will deliver his sixth State of the State address to the General Assembly. You won't want to miss this year's address as he lays out his plans to continue taking Indiana to the Next Level!
2022 Congress of Counites

Registration is open for the Indiana Republican Party's 2022 Congress of Counties!

This two-day training event for Republican Party leaders, candidates, and grassroots activists is scheduled for Friday, February 25 through Saturday, February 26, 2022, at the historic French Lick Resort in French Lick, Ind.

Thankfully, general admission for the event was not impacted by Bidenflation and remains at $100 per person. 

You'll want to experience the 2022 Congress of Counties to kick off the election season, meet Indiana’s top Republican elected officials, and learn more about critical election topics to help you and your county party win and keep Indiana on the right track.

The full schedule will be released in the coming weeks with...stay tuned!

Register Now
2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention

The 2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention will take place on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at Indiana Farmer's Coliseum in Indianapolis, Ind. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for secretary of state, auditor of state, and treasurer of state.

For hotel accommodation information and delegate counts by county, click the button below.

More Information
Upcoming Republican Events
Thursday, January 13: Adams County Republican Announcement Reception
Saturday, January 29: Rush County Lincoln Day Dinner
Thursday, February 10: Hendricks County Lincoln Day Dinner
Friday, February 25 - Saturday, February, 26: 2022 Congress of Counties
Saturday, March 12: Miami County Lincoln Day Dinner
Wednesday, June 15: The 32nd Annual Henry County GOP Open
Saturday, June 18: 2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention

Submit Your Event

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb announces 2022 agenda
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch joins Governor Holcomb In announcing the Next Level Agenda
Treasurer Kelly Mitchell shares tips to strengthen financial status
Auditor Tera Klutz announces $3.9 billion state reserve, tax refunds 
Secretary of State Holli Sullivan shares Indiana is ranked a top-10 state for doing business
Attorney General Todd Rokita expresses excitement in the new year
Senator Todd Young shares 2021 legislative wins 
Senator Mike Braun continues his fight against Biden's vaccine mandate
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski urges the Supreme Court to end Biden's vaccine mandate
ongressman Jim Banks responds to Twitter's suspension of Rep. Margorie Taylor Greene
Congressman Jim Baird congratulates Marine on his new, donated home in Attica
ongresswoman Victoria Spartz introduces bill to protect US supply chain
Congressman Greg Pence wishes Hoosiers a Happy New Year
Congressman Larry Bucshon thanks community for Vincennes Police Department's new K-9 officer
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth shares the funding deadline Congress is up against

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