Hello John,

Firstly, I'd like to wish you a very happy new year.

I'd also like to alert you to an update on the guidance for youth work organisations following the changes to the public health measures nationally, provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). Please find a summary of the communication below:

"The Department is issuing the following supplemental advice:
  • The 8pm closing time does not apply to the youth sector
  • In rare instances where indoor youth activity involves ‘theatre style’ venue layout (concerts etc) attendance should be limited to 50% of venue capacity or the limits set out in the Guidance for Youth Work Organisations, whichever is the lower.
  • Outdoor youth service provision may continue.
  • Youth services and clubs should take all necessary steps to ensure that they maximise physical distancing in venues and that all other public health advice is followed e.g. frequent hand washing, non-attendance if feeling unwell etc
  • Face coverings should continue to be worn in line with public health guidance as presently. You will be aware that the recommendation for face coverings has been expanded to include children aged 9 and over.
  • A policy of remote working / WFH should be implemented whenever possible in relation to activities such as management of services, training, meetings etc. 

The Department will continue to review the public health context and disease profile in early January with a view to considering next steps."

We will continue to work with DCEDIY on your behalf. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any further queries.

Warmest regards,


Mary Cunningham
National Youth Council of Ireland
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