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This December issue includes links to recent Irish and international publications related to
alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter
@HRBdrugslibrary. [
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] For other recent additions see our recently added publications [
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] page.
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Irish-related publications
Healthy Ireland survey 2021 summary of findings.
Ipsos MRBI (2021) Dublin: Government Publications
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Healthy Ireland at work: A National Framework for Healthy Workplaces in Ireland 2021–2025
Department of Health (2021) Dublin: Government of Ireland
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[Video] Panel discussion: Drug markets in Ireland and Scotland: problems and possible solutions?
(2021) Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
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Ireland: country health profile 2021, State of health in the EU.
(2021) Paris / Brussels: OECD Publishing and European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
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Our journey towards vision zero: Ireland’s Government Road Safety strategy 2021–2030.
Road Safety Authority (2021) Dublin: Department of Transport
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Growing Up in Ireland: The lives of 20-year-olds: making the transition to adulthood.
O’Mahony, Desmond et al (2021) Dublin: ESRI; Trinity College Dublin; Department of Children
Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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Health and wellbeing in childhood and adolescence.
Nolan, Anne and Smyth, Emer (2021) Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute.
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Towards a neurodevelopmentally aware, trauma-responsive penal policy and practice.
Mulcahy, Jane (2021) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16066.91845
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Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer - towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy.
European Parliament Special Committee on Beating Cancer (2021) Brussels: European Parliament.
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“We don’t have any answers within the current framework”: tensions within cannabis policy change in
O'Ralaigh, Chris and Morton, Sarah (2021) Drugs and Alcohol Today, Early online.
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Prescribing patterns of medicinal cannabis for epilepsy.
Gilligan, M and Widdess-Walsh, P (2021) Irish Medical Journal, 114, (10).
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Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee – sentencing judgements.
The Judicial Council, Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee (2021) Dublin: The Judicial
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PEIN podcast: Perspectives on prevention - Vivian Geiran.
Quinn, Marian (2021) Prevention & Early Intervention Network Ireland.
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Chief Constable’s accountability report to the Northern Ireland Policing Board.
(2021) Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland.
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Health survey Northern Ireland: first results 2020/21.
Corrigan, Deirdre et al (2021) Belfast: Department of Health.
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Credit Unions, gambling, and vulnerability. Report on research seminar, 24 November 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Swoboda Research Centre.
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Report on policing performance by the Garda Síochána during the COVID-19 health crisis.
(2021) Dublin: Policing Authority.
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National Poisons Information Centre annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: National Poisons Information Centre.
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Independent Reporting Commission: fourth report.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Simon Communities of Ireland annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Simon Communities of Ireland.
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Drinks Ireland annual review 2020-2021.
(2021) Dublin: Drinks Ireland
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An Garda Siochana annual policing plan 2020.
(2020) Tullamore: An Garda Siochana.
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Recorded crime Q3 2021.
(2021) Cork: Central Statistics Office
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Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth annual report 2020
(2021) Dublin: Department of Children.
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International publications
Drug-related infectious diseases: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Global drug survey (GDS) 2021 key findings report.
Winstock, Adam et al (2021) London: Global Drug Survey.
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Global state of harm reduction - 2021 update.
(2021) London: Harm Reduction International
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Alcohol digital environments: challenges and policy options for better health in the WHO European
WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (2021) Copenhagen:
WHO Regional Office for Europe.
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The prevalence of substance use disorders and substance use in anorexia nervosa: a systematic review
and meta-analysis.
Devoe, Daniel J et al (2021) Journal of Eating Disorders, 9, (1), 161.
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Children whose parents use drugs promising practices and recommendations. Executive summary.
Giacomello, Corina (2021) Strasbourg: Council of Europe International Cooperation Group on Drugs and
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Strategies adopted by addiction facilities during the coronavirus pandemic to support treatment for
individuals in recovery or struggling with a substance use disorder: a scoping review.
. de Vargas, Divane et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18, (22), 12094.
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Webinar: The relationship between trauma and addiction
Muthiani, Catherine (2021) ISSUP Kenya.
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Chicken or egg: a dual diagnosis narrative. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing,
Cullen, Oliver John and Norton, Michael John (2021) Early online. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12801
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A US national randomized study to guide how best to reduce stigma when describing drug-related
impairment in practice and policy.
Kelly, John F et al (2021) Addiction, 116, (7), pp. 1757-1767.
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Opioid-related deaths: health and social responses.
(2021) EMCDDA
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Drug-related deaths (DRD) in Europe: updates from the annual meeting of the EMCDDA DRD expert
network 30 September – 1 October 2021.
Giraudon, Isabelle (2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce update briefing December 2021.
(2021) Edinburgh: Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce.
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Women and drug related deaths – working group report and recommendations.
(2021) Edinburgh: Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce.
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Causes of death among people who used illicit opioids in England, 2001–18: a matched cohort study.
Lewer, Dan et al (2021) The Lancet, Early online. [link removed](21)00254-1
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A system designed for women? Understanding the barriers women face in accessing drug treatment and
support services.
(2021) London: We Are With You.
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How does the 'environment' come to the person? The 'ecology of the person' and addiction.
Tretter, Felix and Loeffler-Stastka, Henriette (2021) World Journal of Psychiatry, 11, (11), pp.
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Harm reduction must be recognised an essential public health intervention during crises.
Csák, Robert et al (2021) Harm Reduction Journal, 18, (1), 128.
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A longitudinal investigation of the impact of emotional reactivity and COVID-19 stress exposure on
substance use during the pandemic.
. Bounoua, Nadia and Sadeh, Naomi (2021) Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 6. 100284.
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of cocaine addiction: a systematic review.
Torres-Castaño, Alezandra et al (2021) Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10, (23), 5595.
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Establishing a working definition of user experience for ehealth interventions of self-reported user
experience measures with ehealth researchers and adolescents: scoping review
Newton, Amanda S et al (2021) Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, (12), e25012
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Drug checking services for people who use drugs: a systematic review.
Maghsoudi, Nazlee et al (2021) Addiction, Early online, doi: 10.1111/add.15734.
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Opioid-related deaths: health and social responses.
EMCDDA (2021)
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OAT – We are in it together!
(2021) EuroNPUD
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Roll-out of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: a gateway to mental health promotion.
Ikeda, Daniel J et al (2021) BMJ Global Health, 6. e007212
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Univariable associations between a history of incarceration and HIV and HCV prevalence among people
who inject drugs across 17 countries in Europe 2006 to 2020 - is the precautionary principle
Wiessing, Lucas et al (2021) Euro Surveillance, 26, (49)
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A descriptive analysis of urine drug screen results in patients with opioid use disorder managed in
a primary care setting.
Sobel, Halle G et al (2021) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16, (1), 59
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Benzodiazepines: uses, dangers, and clinical considerations.
Edinoff, Amber N et al (2021) Neurology International, 13, (4), pp. 594-607
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Consumer cannabidiol (CBD) products.
(2021) London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
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The metabolism of the synthetic cannabinoids ADB-BUTINACA and ADB-4en-PINACA and their detection in
forensic toxicology casework and infused papers seized in prisons.
Kronstrand, Robert et al (2021) Drug Testing and Analysis, Early online. doi: 10.1002/dta.3203
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The developmental pathway to alcohol use: from exposure to consideration to action.
Smit, Koen (2020), Radboud University.
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Digital marketing of alcohol, “limbic capitalism”, and the need for action to protect health and
human rights.
Carlin, Eric (2021) SHAAP Blog,
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Alcohol and the brain.
Nutt, David et al (2021) Nutrients, 13, (11), 3938
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Associations of common mental disorder with alcohol use in the adult general population: a
systematic review and meta-analysis
Puddephatt, Jo-Anne et al (2021) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.15735
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Lockdown and licensed premises: COVID-19 lessons for alcohol policy.
Fitzgerald, Niamh et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.
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Preventing underage alcohol purchasing online using payment card details.
Muirhead, Jessica (2021) London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.
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The hazardous (mis)perception of Self-estimated Alcohol intoxication and Fitness to drivE-an
avoidable health risk: the SAFE randomised trial.
Köchling, Jöran et al (2021) Harm Reduction Journal, 18, (1), p. 122.
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Analysis of the accuracy and completeness of cardiovascular health information on alcohol
industry-funded websites.
Peake, Lewis et al (2021) European Journal of Public Health, Early online.
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The EASL-Lancet Liver Commission: protecting the next generation of Europeans against liver disease
complications and premature mortality.
Karlsen, Tom H et al (2021) Lancet, [link removed](21)01701-3
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Study on smoke-free environments and advertising of tobacco and related products.
European Commission. (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Improving implementation of smoking cessation guidelines in pregnancy care: development of an
intervention to address system, maternity service leader and clinician factors.
Passey, Megan E et al (2021) Implementation Science Communications, 2, (1), 128.
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Internet addiction effect on quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Noroozi, Farzaneh et al (2021) The Scientific World Journal, 2021. 2556679
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Smartphone addiction and associated health outcomes in adult populations: a systematic review.
Ratan, Zubair Ahmed et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18, (22), 12257.
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Burden and help-seeking behaviors linked to problem gambling and gaming: observational quantitative
and qualitative analysis.
Luquiens, Amandine et al (2021) JMIR Mental Health, 8, (11), e26521
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'They showed me I mattered': women explain how inner city project helped transform their lives.
Press Association. [thejournal.ie] (30 Dec 2021)
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HSE considers ban on sale of tobacco in State.
[Irish Times] Keena, Colm (30 Dec 2021)
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Calls for HSE to fill Bray Local Drugs and Alcohol taskforce co-ordinator vacancy.
[Irish Independent] Dodd, Eimear (29 Dec 2021)
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High Court challenge alleges Irish anti-drug legislation is against EU free movement of goods.
[thejournal.ie] O'Faolain, Aodhan (23 Dec 2021)
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US public alerts: synthetic opioids.
The Centre for Forensic Science Research & Education [CSFRE] (22 Dec 2021)
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Women's prison has highest drug detection rate in country.
[Irish Examiner] McDonagh, [
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]Darragh [
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] (22 Dec 2021)
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Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy announces €2 million Community
Services Enhancement Fund for drug and alcohol services.
[Department of Health] (22 Dec 2021)
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How will proposed gambling legislation affect sports punters?
[Irish Examiner] Mallon, Ian (21 Dec 2021)
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Street tablets could be laced with fentanyl, warns doctor.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (20 Dec 2021)
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More than half of spiking incidents this year involved injections, says Helen McEntee.
[Irish Examiner] Loughlin, Elaine (15 Dec 2021)
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Little change in tax take from cigarettes after price rises.
[Irish Times] Foxe, Ken (13 Dec 2021)
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Worsening toll of teens hooked on cannabis is a ‘silent epidemic’.
[Independent.ie] Kelleher, Lynne (12 Dec 2021)
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Minimum pricing: bringing an end to booze at 'pocket money' prices.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (10 Dec 2021)
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Gambling addiction: ‘It is everywhere you look, and it is big business’.
[Irish Times] Keena, Colm (05 Dec 2021)
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Minister Feighan convenes oversight committee to drive the implementation of the national drugs
strategy for 2021-2025.
[Department of Health] (05 Dec 2021)
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Cheaper crack cocaine supplies in cities 'sees people travel from rural areas to buy the drug'.
[thejournal.ie] O'Connor, Niall (02 Dec 2021)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Written answers 535 & 536 – Local Drugs Task Forces [
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] (16 Dec)
Seanad debate. Commencement matters - Local Drugs Task Forces. [
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] (15 Dec)
Appropriation Bill 2021: Second Stage. [
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] (14 Dec)
Written answer 66 - Agriculture industry [Hemp]. [60429/21]. [
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] (09 Dec)
Topical Issue debate - Mental health services. [
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] (08 Dec)
Written answer 134 - Alcohol pricing [60602/21]. [
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] (08 Dec)
Written answer 96 - Youth services [60723/21]. [
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] (08 Dec)
Topical Issue debate - Health services. [
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] (07 Dec)
Written answer 493 - Tobacco control measures [59871/21]. [
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] (07 Dec)
Written answers 1-9 Cabinet Committees. [
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] (07 Dec)
Written answer 128 - Health services [Crack cocaine & funding] [59347/21]. [
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] (03 Dec)
Written answer 142 - Health services [Drug treatment] [59427/21]. [
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] (03 Dec)
Written answers 179 & 183 - Health strategies [59420/21 & 59426/21]. [
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] (03 Dec)
Written answer 173 - Health services [prevalence] [57919/21]. [
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] (02 Dec)
Written answer 231 - Tobacco control measures [Vaping] [59749/21]. [
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] (02 Dec)
Questions - Health services [Treatment data] [59181/21]. [
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] (01 Dec)
Written answer 177 - Health services [Treatment data] [59181/21]. [
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] (01 Dec)
Seanad debate. Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021: Report and final stages. [
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] (01 Dec)
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