
Dear ,

On January 6, 2021, Nicole Malliotakis betrayed America.

After violent insurrectionists attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power, Nicole took their side and voted against the certification of the 2020 Presidential election. She also spread the Big Lie and whipped votes against a bipartisan January 6th Commission.

Now that she’s up against multiple challengers, she’s banking on us “moving on” from the January 6th Insurrection and her role in it.


Today, a year after the insurrection, we rallied to show her: that’s not happening. From The Brooklyn Paper to News 12, the media lifted up our voices and sent the message that we are NOT going to let Nicole Malliotakis, who has actively worked against democracy, win this seat again in 2022.

Even if you couldn’t make it today, you can still stand with us.


Look, we can’t do this without you. Nicole has all the conspiracy theorists sending money her way because she’s one of them. If we want to take back this district and restore civility, it’s up to us.


Paid for by the Nicole Is Complicit PAC (NICPAC.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Copyright (C) 2022 NICPAC. All rights reserved.

Staten Island, NY .

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