30 States Oppose Biden Vaccine Mandate, Via SCOTUS Brief Of Family Councils


Supreme Court To Hear Biden's Vaccine Mandate Tomorrow;

30 States Oppose and sent SCOTUS Brief Of Family Councils

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in court on this fast-tracked case tomorrow (Friday), January 7th. Texas Values filed a legal amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of N.F.I.B. v. D.O.L, U.S., No. 21A244, along with leaders and representatives from 29 other states this week. Texas Values leads a coalition of state family policy council organizations from across the country in opposing the illegal Biden employee vaccine mandate. The case challenges the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) ruling for U.S. businesses with 100 or more employees, to not only impose a nationwide mandatory vaccine regulation, but to also be policed by their own employers. This Supreme Court case outcome will affect millions of working individuals.

Jonathan Saenz, Attorney & President for Texas Values released the following statement:

“Biden’s ‘no jab, no job’ forced vaccine mandate policy by unelected bureaucrats is grossly unlawful, and a sick attack on constitutional freedoms that must be opposed every step of the way. Texas Values is honored to be joined by thirty (30) other state family policy organizations and leaders in a religious freedom Supreme Court legal brief that highlights the threat to our first and most precious freedoms that are at risk with such a dangerous and rushed rule that sidesteps Congress and the role of the American people. It’s a new year and new day where Americans are ready to stand united against this agenda of fear and take our country back!”


Texas Values Top Victories of 2021

Texas Values: Top Victories of 2021

Jonathan Saenz, President and Attorney of Texas Values, released the following statement: 

“The people of Texas made it clear in 2021 that they wanted to see life, churches, fair play for girls, and parental rights protected. This past year was a special year for Texas Values, because we accomplished many of the goals we set out to see. Our work is not over, but the momentum of 2021 victories will carry us into 2022 with confidence.”

Texas Heartbeat Law: Most Historic and Significant Pro-Life Law in Texas History

In 2021, Texas has already witnessed over 18,000 lives saved because of the Texas Heartbeat Law since its effective date of September 1, and after prevailing twice at the U. S. Supreme Court. To learn more, visit our new website.

Texans Speak: No More Shutting Down Our Churches (Freedom to Worship Act) and Constitutional Amendment Election 

Texas legislators passed two state laws that make it clear in law that a government agency or public official is prohibited from issuing an order that closes or has the effect of closing places of worship or restricting the charitable actions of religious organizations.

Save Women’s Sports Bill Passes: No Boys in Girls Sports 

The Save Women’s Sport bill, House Bill 25, prohibits biological males from competing in University Interscholastic League (UIL) sports meant for biological females, specifically in middle school and high school. To learn more, click here.

No-Mail Order Abortions Law

Senate Bill 4, the No-Mail Order Abortion bill, which protects women from deadly side effects by creating a statewide standard for regulating chemical abortion drugs and setting criminal penalties for prescribing such pills for women who are more than seven weeks pregnant. 

Parental Rights Win: State Board of Education Rejected Radical LGBT and Abortion Sex-Ed Textbooks & Sex-Ed Changes to “Opt-In”

Through Texas Values support through research and testie State Board rejected radical LGBT and abortion focused textbooks and approved abstinence focused books and materials for public schools. In the 87th Regular session, Senator Bryan Hughes was able to change state policy on sex education to “Opt-in” and made this policy into law by amending H.B. 1525, the School Finance and Public Education bill. 

 Increased funding to Alternatives to Abortion to 100 million dollars

One of the items Texas Values strongly fought for was to increase the funding for Alternatives to Abortion program (A2A). 

Election Integrity, Senate Bill 1

Texas Values supported efforts to pass significant election integrity reform in Texas by making it easier to vote, and harder to cheat.  

Homeowner’s Rights to Have Religious Displays on Property Protected

Texas Values testified in favor of S.B. 581 and worked with legislators to accomplish its passage, prohibiting the Home Owner Associations from making rules that restrict homeowners from having religious displays on their property.


5th Circuit Court of Appeals to Hear Heartbeat Law Lawsuits

The U.S. Supreme Court remanded a portion of the Texas Heartbeat Law (S.B. 8) case, on December 16th, to the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals after upholding the Texas Heartbeat Law. The Supreme Court ruled that the abortion businesses' could not bring suit against the Attorney General Ken Paxton, state-court judges, state-court clerks, and other individuals. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments this Friday, January 7th in New Orleans. The oral arguments will focus on whether or not these state agencies (Texas Medical Board, Texas Board of Nursing, Texas Board of Pharmacy, and Texas Health and Human Services Commission) can enforce the Texas Heartbeat Law. However, we expect that the outcome will have little effect on the enforcement over the Texas Heartbeat Law.

There is so much to celebrate as the continued prevailing of the Texas Heartbeat Law makes history and remains one of the most important national policies since last year. The Texas Heartbeat Law continues to be in effect and will not be stopped.

Visit our new Texas Heartbeat Law website by clicking here.


Abby Johnson, Rep. Briscoe Cain, and Pastor Riggle joins host, Jonathan Saenz, on the Texas Values Report

On last week's show, there were many who joined Texas Values host, Jonathan Saenz, to discuss the momentum and victories 2021 offered. A few of the special guests included Abby Johnson, Former Planned Parenthood Director and Pro-life Leader, State Rep. Briscoe Cain, and Pastor Steve Riggle of Houston. Each guest discussed highlights and victories of working with Texas Values in 2021 and the wonderful victories they have seen in the areas of faith, family, life, and freedom. Watch here. Listen here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.



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(512) 478-2220
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