From Nancy DiNardo <[email protected]>
Subject What today means
Date January 6, 2022 11:00 PM
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John, today marks a year since one of the darkest days in American history, when a violent mob of Donald Trump’s supporters assaulted the U.S. Capitol.

Members of Congress, Capitol staff, and Capitol Police feared for their lives while the entire world watched in horror. On the anniversary of this attack on American democracy, we must be clear about what is now at stake.

The events of January 6th, 2021 were incited by Trump’s baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. One year later, polling shows that 71% of Republican voters still believe Trump’s election lies.

John, at a time when Republicans are attacking voting rights in states across the country, Democrats must work together to protect American democracy.

In November, every US House seat in Connecticut will be up for election, along with Senator Blumenthal, Governor Lamont, and other Democrats all the way down the ballot. Connecticut will also elect a new Secretary of the State, an election that will play a pivotal role in the future of voting rights in our state.

That is why the Connecticut Democratic Party is building a comprehensive plan to mobilize all of the incredible volunteers and organizers we have to help Democrats succeed in races big and small this November. This work is underway, and we need you to be a part of it.

Let us work together throughout this year to bring together Democrats across Connecticut to stand up and fight for our democracy. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but today is a reminder of why this work is so important.

Thank you for being with us,

Nancy DiNardo
CT Democratic Party Chair
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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