Dear John,
If you have not already participated in our all-out drive to end the taxpayer-funded perks and privileges enjoyed by former U.S. Presidents, I strongly encourage you to tell your U.S. Senators right now to support the “Presidential Perks bill”!
S. 580, the Presidential Allowance and Modernization Act, or Presidential Perks bill, would put limits on the taxpayer-funded benefits that Presidents receive after they leave office, like generous pensions and the coverage of expenses for travel, office space, and staff salaries.
Astonishingly, former Presidents currently enjoy unlimited monetary allowances, despite the fact that they have never had an easier time earning a comfortable living.
In an age when former Presidents rake in money with astronomical speaking fees, book deals, and Netflix contracts, the last thing they need are millions of dollars in taxpayer handouts!
John, the Presidential Perks bill passed the House with unanimous support on October 16, but the Senate has yet to vote on this vital waste-cutting legislation.
Please tell your U.S. Senators today to support the Presidential Allowance and Modernization Act so we can get this bill on President Trump’s desk for his signature!
Thank you!
Allen Benjamin Johnson, III
Director of Government Affairs