
January 6, 2021 was one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. Our democracy owes a deep debt of gratitude to the Capitol Police and first responders who fought to defend the Capitol that day.

We witnessed a violent mob incited by some of my colleagues break into our nation’s Capitol and attempted to overthrow a democratic election. It was stunning and we came close to losing our democracy that day.

It wasn’t a demonstration — it was an insurrection.

I said it then, and I’ll say it again now: If we don't get serious about defending our democratic values, this kind of attack will happen again.

I stand with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle who put country before party and respect the outcome of our elections, regardless of who wins. But we have more work ahead of us to protect our democracy and to prevent a deadly act of terror like this from ever happening again in this country.

I’m committed to continuing to work with my colleagues to pass legislation defending our democracy and safeguarding the right to vote. I hope you’re with me, folks.

2022 is a crucial year for our work. Today and every day, I’m grateful to have you on the team.

— Jon