Both Islamist countries targeted those in US who oppose their regimes
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Iranian Agents in US Plead Guilty; Saudi Agents Arrested ([link removed]) Both Islamist countries targeted those in US who oppose their regimes Read ([link removed])
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Ohio Man Pleads Guilty to Planning Fourth of July Bombing Plot ([link removed]) The al-Qaeda wannabe also threatened to kill President Trump and his family Read ([link removed])
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To Dodge Border Crisis, NY Times Pins Cartel Killings on Religion ([link removed]) This is one case where religious extremism is not to blame Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Iran, Hezbollah Use Mexican Drug Cartels to Infiltrate US ([link removed]) Extremists are smuggled in and remain as jihadi sleeper cells Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Islamists in Office: Salma Yaqoob a Warning for Americans ([link removed])
“Chip, chip, chip. Death by a thousand cuts!”
- B.M.E.
Bernie Sanders Proposes Taking Money From Israel, Giving it to Terrorists ([link removed])
“He's so wrong for the USA. He should move and take his communistic ideas and squad with him.”
- L.B.
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