Here is your FREE invitation to our Year in Review event. See you there!

Ground Game Texas

Hey friend,

Thanks to you, Ground Game Texas had an incredibly successful 2021. In just a few months, we registered thousands of voters, put progressive issues like marijuana decriminalization on the ballot, and are helping drive turnout across the state. 

But in 2022 we have even BIGGER plans. That’s why we wanted to reach out with an exclusive invitation to Ground Game Texas’s upcoming Year in Review event. It’s 100% free and open to our supporters and will include a special guest!


We want to take some time to say thank you for your support – together we’re helping drive progressive change in Texas. But we also want to share what we have in store for 2022, and hear from you about what kind of change you’d like to see in our state.

We plan to launch new campaigns across the state beginning THIS month. In community after community, we’re going to put issues like marijuana decriminalization, fair wages, worker protections, and investments in climate on the ballot. But we need your help to get it done.

Ground Game Texas’s Year in Review
January 12th @ 7:00 PM CT/8:00 ET

Click here to claim your free ticket to our Year in Review event


We hope you can join us at our 2022 Year in Review. Together, we can turn out even more voters and drive more progressive change in Texas in 2022. 

Hope to see you there!


Julie Oliver - Executive Director, Ground Game Texas