This week, the New York Times Editorial Board wrote...

Turn on images to see what the New York Times Editorial Board wrote.

So today -- on January 6 -- please attend a local event today, add your name calling for action, and donate to elect Democratic Secretaries of State.

Our democracy is hanging on by a thread one year after the January 6 attack on our Capitol. Congress has one chance to overturn state laws that disenfranchise voters and rig the counting of our votes.

Here are 3 things you can do today:

1. Attend one of more than 300 vigils across the country TODAY remembering January 6 -- and calling for Congressional action.

At these candlelight vigils, voters will call on Congress and the President to pass federal legislation to protect our right to vote and our democracy. Local media will be present, so we need a big crowd. Thanks to the Declaration for American Democracy coalition for organizing these important events.

2. Add your name to a coalition of partners uniting to tell President Biden and Senate Democrats to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Act...NOW!

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has a joint petition with Democracy For America, Demand Progress, Daily Kos, Future Coalition, and other progressive organizations calling for action by Martin Luther King Jr. Day this month.

The Freedom to Vote Act sets national standards for elections, increases access to the ballot box, bans partisan and racial gerrymandering, protects our elections from partisan sabotage, and takes steps to ensure our government works for all the people -- not just the rich and powerful.

The John Lewis Voting Rights Act restores the accountability in the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which was gutted by the right-wing Supreme Court. It forces states to get approval from the federal government before making major changes to how they administer elections.

Tell Congress to act now!

3. As Trump targets Democratic Secretaries of State, donate here to defend them!

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was one of the first to report that Donald Trump is handpicking Republicans to run for Secretary of State in key states, so they can corrupt the election machinery from within. Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan are among top targets.

PCCC members were the first national activists to donate last year to the previously-unknown Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which is fighting to elect people who will run elections fairly.

Jena Griswold, Colorado’s Secretary of State and Chair of the group says: "PCCC members are indispensable to our work to elect Democratic Secretaries of State. The attacks right now are no longer about 2020. They’re about 2022 and 2024. It’s about chipping away at confidence and chipping away at the reality of safe and secure elections. That’s why we need to win, with your help."

So today -- on January 6 -- please attend a local event today, add your name calling for action, and donate to elect Democratic Secretaries of State.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. Meet Congressman Jamie Raskin on Zoom one week from today at 7pm Eastern. Hear about his new book and his story of confronting the painful loss of his son to suicide, living through the violent insurrection at the Capitol, and leading the impeachment effort to hold President Trump accountable for inciting the political violence. RSVP here.




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